Different Thinking Quotes, Writing and Authorship Lyrics “What is written in a book is not what the author puts into the book, but what the readers take out of it.” William Golding “What is written in a book is not what the author puts into the book, but what the readers take out of it.” William Golding
Different Thinking Quotes, Motivational Quotes, Hope Quotes “It's never too late to turn things around. The only obstacle is you." Dave Ramsey “It's never too late to turn things around. The only obstacle is you." Dave Ramsey
Different Thinking Quotes, Creativity Quotes “See every problem as an opportunity to use creative energy.” Stephen Covey “See every problem as an opportunity to use creative energy.” Stephen Covey
Different Thinking Quotes, Words of the Day, Motivational Quotes, Positive Thinking Quotes, Picture Quotations “Everything that happens to you is either a favor that will be a lesson to you, or a lesson that will be a favor.” Polly Berrien Berends “Başınıza gelen her şey, ya size ders olacak bir iyilik ya da bir iyilik olacak derstir.” […]
Education and Training Words, Different Thinking Quotes “To teach means to show someone that something is possible.” Frederick Salomon Perls “To teach means to show someone that something is possible.” Frederick Salomon Perls
Words of Science and Wisdom, Education and Training Words, Different Thinking Quotes “What you learn is more important than what you earn.” David Ogilvy “What you learn is more important than what you earn.” David Ogilvy