Awareness Words, Goal and Purpose Phrases “Gideceğiniz yönü bilmek, hızdan daha önemlidir.” Clarice Lispector
Words to Action, Awareness Words, Motivational Quotes, Words of Patience “He who will learn to fly must first learn to walk, run, climb and dance; one cannot start flying by flying..!” Nietzsche
Words of Courage, Awareness Words “Korkunun kaynağı gelecekte yatar. Kim gelecekten kurtulmuşsa, korkacak hiçbir şeyi yoktur.” Milan Kundera
Awareness Words “Öfkeli olduğunuz her dakika, altmış saniyelik mutluluk kaybedersiniz.” Ralph W. Emerson
Words of Science and Wisdom, Awareness Words, Wealth and Money Quotes “Until you have something money can't buy, you're not rich!” Garth Brooks