Words of Science and Wisdom, Awareness Words, Quotes About Life “Life neither brings what is gone nor turns back the time you lost. Either you will live the time you had to live or you will not cry because you didn't live." Tolstoy
Awareness Words, Different Thinking Quotes, Picture Quotations “There is neither past nor future; There is only an eternal now.” Abraham Cowley
Awareness Words, Picture Quotations “Remember to take your eyes with you as you travel.” AB Alcott “Remember to take your eyes with you when you travel.” AB Alcott
Words of Courage, Awareness Words, Different Thinking Quotes, Picture Quotations “Endişelerinizden kurtulmak istiyorsanız, yaşamaktan en çok korktuğunuz şeyin bir gün başınıza geleceğini kabul edin.” Sokrates
Words to Action, Awareness Words, Different Thinking Quotes, Positive Thinking Quotes, Picture Quotations “Mistakes are the gateway to new discoveries.” James Joyce
Awareness Words, Quotes About Life, Picture Quotations “A photograph can show me, in a few lines, what ten pages in the book tell me.” Ivan S. Turgenev