Awareness Words, Different Thinking Quotes “It's not like everything is falling on you, there are just things you're falling for.” Aldous Huxley
Awareness Words “Even when we say that everything is meaningless, we are saying something meaningful.” Albert Camus
Awareness Words, Quotes About Life, Picture Quotations "Whether we live every moment of their rights." Goethe
Awareness Words, Optimism Quotes, Picture Quotations “Her sorun kendi içinde bir fırsat saklar. Ve sorun fırsatın yanında cüce kalır!” Benjamin Franklin
Awareness Words, Words About People “Her insan iki insandır; biri karanlıkta uyanık, diğeri ise aydınlıkta uykudadır.” Halil Cibran
Awareness Words, Words About People, Picture Quotations “He who does not feel that he is in the dark cannot turn to the light.” HT Buckle