Education and Training Words, Words to Action, Awareness Words, Risk Taking Quotes “You can't learn to walk by following the rules. You walk and you fall, that's the way to learn to walk." Richard Branson
Awareness Words, Love and Love Quotes “There can be no love without intelligence, it leads to slavery; Without love there can be no intelligence, it leads to dictatorship.” Jiddu Krishnamurti
Awareness Words, Different Thinking Quotes “A psychiatrist is the man who asks you the questions your wife asks for free, for a lot of money.” Osho
Awareness Words “Living in the world without being aware of the meaning of the world is like wandering around in a huge library without touching the books.” Manly Palmer Hall
Awareness Words, Words About People “People are divided into slaves and freemen, as in the past. Anyone who spends less than two-thirds of his day for himself, whether statesman, merchant, civil servant, or academic, is a slave.” Nietzsche
Awareness Words, Wealth and Money Quotes “Money is not real wealth. It is valuable only because it is a means of fulfilling needs. A few drops of cold water are worth more than a bag of gold for a person burning in the middle of a desert.” Seneca