Words of Science and Wisdom, Awareness Words “İçinizdeki sesi ne kadar sadakatle dinlerseniz, dışarıda olup bitenleri o kadar iyi duyarsınız.” Dag Hammarskjöld
Awareness Words, Different Thinking Quotes “Normal is just an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly.” Charles Addams
Awareness Words, Different Thinking Quotes, Personal Development Quotes “You don't have a soul. You are already a soul. You have a body." CS Lewis
Awareness Words, Different Thinking Quotes “Zaten kötülük dediğin, aşırıya kaçmış iyilik değil de nedir?” Woody Allen
Awareness Words, Decision Words “It is our choices more than our abilities that show us who we really are.” J.K. Rowling
Awareness Words, Movie lines “No one can teach us the song of our heart. We can only find it alone.” Happy Feet – Happy Feet