Awareness Words, Different Thinking Quotes, Quotes About Life, I “True celebration cannot depend on the calendar.” Osho
Awareness Words, Different Thinking Quotes, I “Every limit is a beginning just as it is an end.” George Eliot
Awareness Words, Different Thinking Quotes, I “Having sharp vision and the ability to sense all the ordinariness of human life was like hearing grass grow, squirrels' hearts beating, and the roar on the other side of the silence would kill us.” George Eliot
Awareness Words, Different Thinking Quotes, I, Positive Thinking Quotes “Remember; You will never lose friends. You only discover who are your true friends.” TS Eliot
Words of Science and Wisdom, Change Words, Awareness Words, I, Personal Development Quotes “One of the things I've realized is that I can't change anyone without changing myself.” Nelson Mandela