Words to Action, Words of the Day, Motivational Quotes, Self Confidence Quotes, Picture Quotations “Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can!” Arthur Ashe “Bulunduğun yerden başla, sahip olduğun şeyi kullan, yapabildiğini yap!” Arthur Ashe Özdeyiş.Net En İyi Motivasyon Sözleri […]
Words to Action “Take time to think, but when it's time to act, stop thinking and dive in.” Napoleon “Take time to think, but when it's time to act, stop thinking and dive in.” Napoleon Bonaparte
Words to Action “One step at a time is all it takes to get you there.” Emily Dickinson “One step at a time is all it takes to get you there.” Emily Dickinson
Words to Action, Words of the Day, Decision Words, Picture Quotations “I have seen that half of my sorrows go away on their own when I come to a clear decision. The other half disappears when I act on the decision I have arrived at.” Dale Carnegie “Gördüm ki üzüntülerimin yarısı, açıkça bir karara vardığım zaman kendiliğinden yok olup gitmektedir. Diğer yarısı da […]
Words to Action, Words of the Day, Motivational Quotes, Picture Quotations “Do what you have to do now! You will feel powerful in that moment.” Ralph W. Emerson “Yapman gerekeni hemen yap! Kendini o anda güçlü hissedeceksin.” Ralph W. Emerson ozdeyis.net En İyi Motivasyon […]
Words to Action, Decision Words “Every decision about moving is intuitive. The challenge is to move from hoping it was the right choice to trusting it was the right one.” David Allen “Hareket etmekle ilgili her karar sezgiseldir. Buradaki zorluk, bunun doğru seçim olduğunu ummaktan doğru seçim olduğuna […]