Education and Training Words, Quotes About Life “Everything has been taught to you; but you were not taught to 'Be Yourself'. This is the ugliest possible form of society; because it destroys everyone. Being something you don't want, being with someone you don't want, doing something you don't want to do… These are the foundations of your suffering.” Osho
Education and Training Words, Quotes About Life "Experience; He is a ruthless teacher. But you learn. And you learn so much!” CS Lewis
Anonymous Quotes, Education and Training Words “Eğer öğrenmeye ilginiz yoksa, size kimse yardım edemez. Eğer öğrenmeye kararlıysanız, sizi kimse durduramaz.” Anonim
Education and Training Words “Merak eğitimin temelidir; merak yüzünden bir kedinin öldüğünü söylüyorsanız, o kedinin asil bir şekilde öldüğünü söylerim.” Arnold Edinborough