Words of Courage, Try And Try Quotes “What would our life be if we didn't have the courage to try anything?” Vincent van Gogh
Words of Courage, Picture Quotations, Words of Patience “Be brave in the face of life's great sorrows, and patient in the face of its little sorrows. And sleep peacefully when you have completed your daily chores. Don't worry, God is awake!” Victor Hugo
Words of Courage, Motivational Quotes, Self Confidence Quotes, Picture Quotations “You have a brain in your head, and your feet in your shoes. You can turn yourself in any direction you want.” Dr. Seuss
Words of Courage, Personality and Character Quotes, Picture Quotations “Be who you are and say what you think; because for those who care about you it will make a difference, for those who don't care it won't matter." Dr. Seuss
Words of Science and Wisdom, Words of Courage, Words About People “Three great virtues in man; courage, wisdom and honesty.” Roger Bacon
Words of Courage, Try And Try Quotes, Self Confidence Quotes, Picture Quotations “Don't be ashamed and bored by your behavior; All of life is a trial.” Ralph W. Emerson