Words of Science and Wisdom, Words of Courage “Enlightenment; daring to use one's own mind." Immanuel Kant
Words of Courage “In times of universal deception, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” George Orwell
Words of Science and Wisdom, Words of Courage “Get started, be brave and dare to act wisely!” Horatius
Proverbs and Sayings, Words of Science and Wisdom, Words of Courage “Anyone who asks a question may seem stupid for maybe five minutes; but he who does not ask remains a fool forever.” Chinese Proverb
Words of Courage “Korkuyorken yapabileceğiniz en cesur şey, cesur olduğunuzu açıkça söyleyip bunun doğrultusunda hareket etmektir.” Corra Mae Harris
Words of Courage "I'd rather stand alone and stand up for what's right than stand up for the wrong and turn the crowd behind me." Gandhi