Words of Courage “Give up what is wrong. Insist on what is right. Have the courage to do either one or the other.” Seth Godin
Words of Courage, Try And Try Quotes, Words to Action, Motivational Quotes, Positive Thinking Quotes, Love and Love Quotes, Hope Quotes “It's not hard to be pessimistic, the hard thing is to be able to smile like a rainbow after a crazy storm. A hug begins with a seed, a tree that one cannot reach. The longest journeys start with a single step. True love starts with a smile. My mother used to advise her children to jump into the sun at every opportunity. We could not reach the sun, but at least our feet would be swept off the ground.” Zora Neale Hurston
Words of Courage, Hope Quotes “Those who dare nothing should not hope for anything.” Friedrich Schiller
Success Quotes, Words of Courage, Words About People “Man cannot achieve anything unless he pushes the limits of reason.” A. Einstein
Words of Courage, Motivational Quotes "All that matters, it does not look great, really be great." Beethoven
Words of Courage, Motivational Quotes “To be great, you will not compliment anyone, you will not deceive anyone, you will see what the real purpose is for the country and you will walk towards that goal. Everyone will be against you, everyone will try to turn you from your path. But you will resist it, and they will pile up endless obstacles in front of you; You will overcome these obstacles by counting yourself not big, small, weak, without tools, believing that no help will come from anyone. If they call you big from now on, you'll laugh at those who say that." Mustafa Kemal Atatürk