Words of Courage, Words to Action, Different Thinking Quotes “God gives us hazelnuts; but it doesn't break their shells." Franz Kafka
Words of Courage “Come to yourself, say a brand new word so that the world will be renewed! Your word should be such a word that it should go beyond the borders of the world. What is the limit, what is the measure, he should not know!” Mevlana
Words of Courage, Picture Quotations “Birds born in a cage think flying is a disease.” Alejandro Jodorowsky “Birds born in a cage think flying is a disease.” Alejandro Jodorowsky
Words of Courage, Different Thinking Quotes, Risk Taking Quotes “If you follow all the rules, you're missing out on all the fun.” Katharine Hepburn
Words of Courage, Love and Love Quotes “Cowards cannot show their love. It is the privilege of the brave.” Gandhi