Success Quotes, Hardworking Words “If people knew how hard I worked to achieve my mastery, they would realize that it wasn't such a surprise.” Michelangelo
Hardworking Words, Try And Try Quotes “Although I am not afraid of those who practice 10 thousand kicks once, I am afraid of those who practice one kick 10 thousand times.” Bruce Lee
Success Quotes, Hardworking Words “Bu dünyada oturarak başarıya ulaşan tek yaratık, tavuktur.” Aldous Huxley
Success Quotes, Hardworking Words, Try And Try Quotes, Different Thinking Quotes, Motivational Quotes, Picture Quotations “If you want to be successful, double your failure rate.” Thomas Watson “If you want to be successful, double your failure rate.” Thomas Watson
Hardworking Words, Words of Determination and Perseverance, Motivational Quotes “If you don't have the grades or the money to go to college, take classes. If you want that job even though you weren't accepted, lie on your doorstep. Go to all the classes, do the errands, get a job. People get to know you. Eventually they will accept you; because you are part of that group. Not only will they respect you for your determination, they will love you for it. It will take time, maybe a year; but you will be inside, not outside.” Paul Arden