Success Quotes, Goal and Purpose Phrases “You look your way. If you do this, you will reach the goal automatically.” Gandhi
Success Quotes “Kazanmanın iki temel kuralı vardır: Birincisi; asla bildiğin her şeyi söyleme!” Roger H. Lincoln
Success Quotes, Wish Lyrics “The great mystery of power is never to want more than you can achieve.” Henrik Ibsen
Success Quotes “He who uses his talent and creative imagination to see how much he can give for a dollar, not how little, will surely succeed.” Henry Ford
Success Quotes, Words of Victory and Winning “Winners take time to watch and enjoy their work. Because they know that it is the height of the mountain that makes the view from the top of the mountain so exciting.” Denis Waitley
Success Quotes, Education and Training Words, Entrepreneurship Quotes, Personal Development Quotes “Hayatta en çok başarı gösteren insanlar, soru soranlardır. Onlar her zaman öğrenirler. Durmadan büyürler, gelişirler. Her zaman girişken ve ataktırlar.” Robert Kiyosaki