Success Quotes “The safest plan and surest way of success for a young person starting life is to choose the profession that best suits their tastes.” PT Barnum “Hayata başlayan genç bir insan için en güvenli plan ve başarının en kesin olanı, kendi zevklerine […]
Success Quotes, Words of Science and Wisdom, Entrepreneurship Quotes, Leadership and Management Words “Excellent knowledge of your business is an absolute must to ensure success.” PT Barnum “Excellent knowledge of your business is an absolute must to ensure success.” PT Barnum
Success Quotes, Entrepreneurship Quotes, Creativity Quotes “One solid idea is all you need to achieve success.” Napoleon Hill “One solid idea is all you need to achieve success.” Napoleon Hill
Success Quotes, Endurance Promises, Words of Determination and Perseverance “Those who get through tough times successfully do so because they persist in persisting.” Max Lucado “Those who get through tough times successfully do so because they persist in persisting.” Max Lucado
Success Quotes, Entrepreneurship Quotes, Words About People, Optimism Quotes “The wise investor is a realist who sells to the optimists and buys from the pessimists.” Benjamin Graham “The wise investor is a realist who sells to the optimists and buys from the pessimists.” Benjamin Graham
Success Quotes, Believe Quotes, Personal Development Quotes, Wealth and Money Quotes “You can only have as much as you believe in.” Mark Victor Hansen “You can only have as much as you believe in.” Mark Victor Hansen