Success Quotes, Writing and Authorship Lyrics “Bir yazar eseri için paradan daha fazlasını ister; onun istediği kalıcılıktır.” A. A. Milne “Bir yazar eseri için paradan daha fazlasını ister; onun istediği kalıcılıktır.” A. A. Milne
Anonymous Quotes, Success Quotes, Goal and Purpose Phrases, Wish Lyrics, Picture Quotations “You get what you focus on. So focus on what you want.” Anonymous “You get what you focus on. So focus on what you want.” Anonymous
Success Quotes, Different Thinking Quotes “If you focus on success, you will have stress. But if you chase perfection, success will be guaranteed.” Deepak Chopra “If you focus on success, you will have stress. But if you chase perfection, success will be guaranteed.” Deepak Chopra
Success Quotes, Hardworking Words, Try And Try Quotes, Motivational Quotes, Hope Quotes “I tried to continue with my zeal; because that is my only hope of achieving something valuable and lasting.” Arthur Ashe “Ben gayretimle devam etmeye çalıştım; çünkü bu, değerli ve kalıcı bir şeye ulaşmamın tek umududur.” Arthur […]
Success Quotes, Try And Try Quotes, Personal Development Quotes, Motivational Quotes “The secret of success is to always try to improve, wherever you are or whatever your position. Learn everything you can. I don't see how little you can do, but I know how much more you can do." William Walker Atkinson “Başarının sırrı, her nerede olursanız olun veya konumunuz ne olursa olsun kendinizi geliştirmek için her zaman […]
Success Quotes, Words of Courage “Above all, do not be afraid of difficult moments. The best comes from them.” Rita Levi-Montalcini “Above all, do not be afraid of difficult moments. The best comes from them.” Rita Levi-Montalcini