Anonymous Quotes, Words of the Day, Motivational Quotes “Two things define you. Your patience when you have nothing and your attitude when you have everything.” Anonymous “İki şey sizi tanımlar. Elinizde hiçbir şey olmadığı zamanki sabrınız ve her şeye sahip olduğunuz zamanki […]
Anonymous Quotes, Success Quotes, Words of the Day, Motivational Quotes, Picture Quotations, Hope Quotes “I may not be where I was aiming yet. But I am closer than where I was yesterday.” Anonymous “Henüz hedeflediğim yerde olmayabilirim. Ancak dün olduğum yerden daha yakınım.” Anonim Özdeyiş.Net Hedefler ve Amaçlar Üzerine […]
Anonymous Quotes, Words of the Day, Words of Determination and Perseverance, Motivational Quotes, Picture Quotations If you're tired of starting over, stop giving up! Eğer baştan başlamaktan yorulduysan, vazgeçmeyi bırak! Özdeyiş.Net Kararlılık ve Azim Sözleri Vazgeçmekten Vazgeçin, Kararlı Olmakta Kararlı […]
Anonymous Quotes, Words of the Day, Motivational Quotes, Self Confidence Quotes, Picture Quotations “A bird is not afraid of breaking the branch on which it rests; for it is not the branch he trusts, but his own wings.” Anonymous “A bird is not afraid of breaking the branch on which it rests; for it is not the branch he trusts, but his own wings.” Anonymous
Anonymous Quotes, Quotes About Life, Positive Thinking Quotes, Picture Quotations If life gives you lemons, make lemonade with it! “If life gives you lemons, make lemonade with it!” Anonymous
Anonymous Quotes, Words of Science and Wisdom, Education and Training Words “Get accustomed to the path that a child must take, and when he grows up he will not stray from that path.” Anonymous “Get accustomed to the path that a child must take, and when he grows up he will not stray from that path.” Anonymous