The Art of Being Happy - 10 Golden Rules for Happiness
First Golden Rule of Happiness:
Happiness is Always in Your Own Hands
Second Rule:
Focus on the Things You Control
Third Rule:
Don't Make Happiness Conditions
Fourth Rule:
Don't Compare
Fifth Rule:
Make Time for Happiness
Sixth Rule:
Be Positive and Optimistic
Seventh Rule:
Think Action-Oriented
Eighth Rule:
Don't Ignore Your Basic Needs
Ninth Rule:
Be Creative and Productive
Many people, under the influence of consumption culture, make the mistake of thinking that what they have will make them happy. He spends his life with his happy buying behavior. However, purchased happiness is often expensive and leaves temporary tastes. You feel better when you focus on producing happiness rather than buying it. How Does? For example, you are planning to buy a gift for your friend on his birthday, instead of buying a present, you can try to make a souvenir for him. Thus, you experience happiness twice. 😉
Tenth Rule:
Don't Lose Your Gratitude
Giving thanks and gratitude will relax you spiritually and lift your life energy up. What are you grateful for having in your life? Try to divert your attention from things you don't have to things that are with you. For example, making a list of all these can be a good reminder. Prepare a 'Thanksgiving List' for yourself right now without wasting any time. I'm sure you'll start to feel happy as soon as you do this.