Motivational Intelligence – MotiQ

Motivasyon Zekası (MotiQ) nedir? Özellikleri nelerdir? Boyutları nelerdir? Motivasyon zekasını geliştiren yöntemler ve teknikler nelerdir?

Motivasyon Zekası (MotiQ) nedir? Özellikleri nelerdir? Boyutları nelerdir? Motivasyon zekasını geliştiren yöntemler ve teknikler nelerdir?

Motivational Intelligence – MotiQ

Dr. Tayfun Topaloğlu’nun bu alandaki ilk çalışmaları gerçekleştirerek kuramsallaştırdığı Motivasyon Zekası (MotiQ), herkesin içinde saklı olan motivasyon gücünü kullanabilmeyi ifade eden bir zeka türüdür. İşte bu yazıda, bu öncü çalışma hakkında bilgi sahibi olacak ve motivasyon zekanızı geliştirmek için hangi adımları atmanız gerektiğini öğreneceksiniz.

Motivational Intelligence (Motivational Intelligence – MotiQ – Motivational Quotient), “The mental and behavioral capacity of the person to take action towards a goal and to manage his motivation effectively until he gets results by continuing his efforts towards this goal with“it means. Some people take action quickly; but they cannot sustain it with determination. Others have trouble getting started and taking action; but if they decide on a path, they will definitely not turn back from that path. Another group finds it difficult to finish a job they have started. There may be two different reasons for this: Either they cannot take the necessary final step because of the fear of success. Or they have to give up before they can finish it because they have exhausted their resources and energy.

Motivational intelligence is primarily related to the "personal motivation process". In other words, it is a feature related to the ability to manage one's own motivation process. However, individuals with high motivational intelligence immediately notice the factors that motivate others. Therefore, it can be said that these people have an important skill in motivating others.

Individuals with a high MotiQ level: (1) Even if they are in difficult situations, they are able to mobilize themselves in line with their goals and they make a determined effort in this direction. After all, they definitely get results from their actions. (2) They are aware of their values and goals. (3) They have an optimistic and positive personality structure. (4) They show the ability to positively cope with a distress or danger situation. (5) They act in a goal-oriented manner and are active in making plans to achieve these goals. (6) They have confidence in their ability to achieve a goal.

Motivational Intelligence, like most other types of intelligence, has a "developable" feature. Every human being has a basic level of Motivational Intelligence that they are born with. However, if they do not develop this intelligence and do not give it the necessary importance, their intelligence will fall into place or tend to atrophy over time. As a result, over time, these people encounter motivation problems in their private and business lives, or they have difficulty in raising their performance to the highest level because they cannot manage their motivation well. In the end, they may live far below their potential and lead a life doomed to much less than they deserve.

Finally, it should be noted that although the high level of motivational intelligence has a feature that directly affects personal performance, it cannot guarantee positive results or success in every undertaking. Because getting results is a complex process that includes many different factors apart from individual effort in today's world.

Basic Dimensions of Motivational Intelligence

Motivational Intelligence has four basic dimensions. In order to talk about the height of Motivational Intelligence, it is necessary to be active in all these dimensions. Because each of them shows a multiplicative feature. For example, a low level of one dimension may negatively affect the general motivational intelligence even if the other dimensions are high.
  • Motivasyonel Farkındalık: This dimension refers to the individual's being aware of his inner motives and knowing his personal motivation structure. People who are aware of what motivates them and what doesn't can unleash their motivational power thanks to this wisdom.
  • Hızlıca Eyleme Geçebilme: It refers to the person's ability to take action quickly in line with his/her goals. They exude strength to act without delay or delay. Expresses the motivation to start.
  • Kararlılık Göstermek: It means the ability of the person to be determined in line with his/her goal, not to be discouraged, to be persistent and to be resistant to difficulties. Expresses the motivation to continue.
  • Kişisel Motivasyon Yönetimi: This dimension has a more inclusive feature compared to other dimensions. Being able to manage motivation is about the ability to keep one's motivation at a balanced and high level. This dimension refers to the individual's ability to effectively use motivational techniques and methods to achieve his/her goal. It describes the ability to successfully manage the Personal Motivation process.

The above 4 basic dimensions are the main components of Motivational Intelligence. Although each of them has importance separately, when they come together, they create Motivational Intelligence and cause a synergistic effect on motivational power.

Motivasyon Zekası’nı Geliştirmek İçin Temel Adımlar

Motivational Intelligence; It refers to a multidimensional intelligence type that includes personal motivation awareness, being able to take action, maintaining this action with determination, and managing motivation effectively. It is necessary to underline that the Theory of Motivational Intelligence does not have a side that limits and judges people as suggested in classical intelligence theories, and it expresses a very humanistic insight that states that everyone has a sufficient motivational intelligence and can easily take it to a higher level if it is developed. Therefore, everyone has the inner resources that can bring out the Motivational Genius within. The important thing is to be willing to reach these resources and to be able to develop with determination. It is foreseen that every person who wants to further develop their Motivational Intelligence will make significant progress in this regard if they consider the following suggestions.
  • First of all, to learn about your personal motivational intelligence Motivational Intelligence-MotiQ Test’ni yapabilirsiniz. Bu sayede, motivasyon zekanız hakkında farkındalık geliştirerek hangi kısımlarda sorun yaşadığınızı görebilirsiniz. (* Although this test is in the scientific development process, it provides important indicators about motivational intelligence to the tester.)
  • Keep the visual part of your brain constantly run it. For this, constantly dream about the future and do imagination work. The visual brain, which is one of the three brain systems, allows us to make future plans and create an image of the future. In this way, while we increase our ability to create motivational images towards our goal, we can easily motivate ourselves when we need it.
  • optimistic thinking improve your skill. Optimistic people are more likely to get out of negative situations and have more potential to move towards their goals with determination. Optimism here does not mean pure optimism that ignores the facts. In this sense, “realistic” refers to optimism. As we develop the features of optimism, it will be possible for us to get more effective results in contrast to pessimism. (For more information: Optimism Test)
  • guiding your life Motives ProfileReveal your. When you realize the main motives in your life, you will have a better understanding of why you want certain things. For this, you may ask yourself what are the things that are important in my life and why are they important to me? For example, when you say “it is very important for me to have a career”, you might ask why it is important for me to have a career to reveal the motivation behind it? (Possible answers should be more abstract and expressive, such as “to be respected” or “to be successful”. (For more information: Reiss Motives Profile)
  • motivation techniqueslearn what. For this, on our site Personal Motivation Management Techniques'You can read it and apply it on yourself.
  • Motivasyon Profili’reveal your Motivation Profileis a unique personal indicator designed to reveal certain factors that affect your motivational structure. By considering the information here, you can have information about your own motivational structure and use them to motivate yourself.
  • Bunlara ek olarak, yine sitesinin kişilik testlerinden bazılarını yaparak profilinize uygun motivasyon yapınız hakkında bilgi sahibi olabilirsiniz. (Ör: Jungian Personality Typing, enneagram).
  • Finally, to further develop your Motivational Intelligence and increase your motivational skills KİMYON- Personal Motivation Management participate in training or individually Motivational Coaching you can use the service.

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