Best Motivational Quotes

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Motive Edici En İyi Özlü Sözler ve Özdeyişler

Best Motivational Quotes

Best Motivational Quotations and Sayings

You will feel more motivated and highly motivated for your goals with the quotes on this page, where we have brought together the best quotes about motivation.

Motivasyon Sözleri Motive Edici Özlü Sözler Motivasyon Özdeyişleri Başarı Sözleri Kısa Anlamlı Güzel Sözler Tayfun Topaloğlu Sözleri

Not just for one day, but every day. Tayfun Topaloğlu

If you only walk on sunny days, you will not reach your destination. Heaven & Earth – Heaven & Earth

Being a warrior is not about perfection or victory or being invulnerable. It's about being vulnerable. This is real courage. Dan Millman

Life grows or shrinks according to one's courage. Anais Nin

Those who take risks you do not dare to take will live the life you want to live. Socrates

Even if you fall face down, you are still moving forward. Victor Kiam

First, you make a difference, then you make the difference. Tayfun Topaloğlu

First ask yourself what will happen; then do whatever you need to do. Epictetus

With goals that have deep meaning, dreams waiting to be concluded and motivated by a pure love that needs expression, That's when we truly live. Greg Anderson

Your determination with the doors closed in your face, Your courage is also tested with doors closed behind you. Tayfun Topaloğlu

It doesn't matter if one is strong in life, It's important to feel strong. Into the Wild

If you want to have something you've never had before, you have to do something you've never done before. Nosrat Peseschkian

"Daha önce hiç sahip olmadığın bir şeye sahip olmak istiyorsan, daha önce hiç yapmadığın bir şey yapmalısın" Nossrat Peseschkian özlü sözleri

The world needs dreamers and doers. But he needs more of those who do what he dreams of. Sarah Ban Breathnach

Do something, be nice. Is this so hard? Then say something nice. Is your tongue not spinning? See something beautiful or write something beautiful. Can't you? Then start something nice. But it's always nice to get something. Because everyone is old enough to die. Shams Tabrizi

I came into this life to live it out loud to the fullest. Emile Zola

Motivation stores purpose as fuel, sets off with vision and realizes itself through action. Pat Mesiti

Pearls are not found on the beach so if you want one you have to dive for it. Chinese Proverb

 Never regret! If the result is good, excellent. If the outcome is bad, it's an experience. Victoria Holt

If you wait, you only get what comes to you. But if you go, anything you want. Tayfun Topaloğlu

"Beklersen, sadece sana geleni alırsın; ama eğer gidersen, istediğin her şeyi." Tayfun Topaloğlu özlü sözleri...

 A warrior does not let go of what he loves; The warrior finds love in what he does. Dan Millman

Nothing in the world can replace perseverance. Talent cannot. There are many talented but unsuccessful people. Neither can intelligence. Unnoticed intelligence is just a cliché. Neither does education. The world is full of educated fools. The power of perseverance and determination is limitless.  Calvin Coolidge / The Founder

You don't have to be perfect to start; but to be perfect you have to start. Zig Ziglar

 Failure is nothing more than an opportunity to start more intelligently. Henry Ford

If one day you will be helpless, do not expect a savior. Be the savior yourself. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

If a person does not know how to get the pearl out of the sea; it is a pearl or a pebble. Yusuf Has Hacib

Some failures are because people don't know how close they are to success when they quit. Thomas Edison 

If you don't put your life on the line, you can't earn your living. Friedrich Schiller

Düzenim bozulur, hayatım alt üst olur diye endişe etme. Nereden biliyorsun hayatın altının üstünden daha iyi olmayacağını? Shams Tabrizi

hayatım alt üst olacak diye korkma düzenim bozulur hayatım alt üst olur duzenim bozulur hayatim alt ust hayatın alt üst olur diye korkma

Hiçbir zaman başınızı eğmeyin. Her zaman dik tutun. Hayatı karşınıza alın ve tam gözünün ortasına bakın. Helen Keller

If you want to know who you were in the past, look at who you are now. If you want to know who you'll be, look at what you've done. Buddha

There are no hopeless situations, there are hopeless people. I have never lost hope. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

Hayallerine giden yolda hem vahalar hem de çöller olacaktır. Her iki durumda da durma! Paulo Coelho

Having a problem indicates that you have a purpose in life. Alan Coren

 One of the interesting things about life is that it often gives the best to those who accept nothing but the best. W. Somerst Maugham

Go and take your chances. Iranian Proverb

To the instrumentalist who plays in twenty-four maqams, If there is no one listening, his instrument becomes a burden. What a burnt tune comes to mind, nor does he move his ten fingers while playing the instrument. Mevlana

  Put your heart, mind and soul into even the smallest action you make. This is the secret of success. Swami Sivananda

Forget about your past mistakes. Forget about your failures. Forget everything but what you're going to do right now and do it. Today is your lucky day. Will Durant  Will Durant

"Geçmiş hatalarınızı unutun. Başarısızlıklarınızı unutun. Şu anda yapacağınız şey dışındaki her şeyi unutun ve onu yapın. Bugün sizin şanslı gününüz." Will Durant


 What are you waiting for, throw yourself into the sea… Be the sail, be the oar, be the rudder, be the fish, be the water. Go wherever you can. Orhan Veli Kanik

 You don't really need a miracle. You need to remember that you are a miracle. Tayfun Topaloğlu

 Man cannot discover new oceans unless he dares to lose sight of the shore. André Gide

Gidilmeyene giden ol, aradığını bulan ol, canın sıkıldıkça yok ol, bazen, biraz; gez. Piri Reis

As soon as everyone says I'm done, I'm ready to start over. Frank Gehry

 Sen inandığından daha cesur, göründüğünden daha güçlü ve düşündüğünden daha zekisin. Alan Alexander Milne

"Sen inandığından daha cesur, göründüğünden daha güçlü ve düşündüğünden daha zekisin." Alan Alexander Milne

 The biggest risk you have to take in your life is to dare to be perfect. Randy Gage

It takes a lot of hammers to be a sharp knife. Turkish Proverb

Kazananlar, sadece, bir kez daha deneyen kaybedenlerdir. George Moore

If life were only full of joy, we would never learn to be brave and patient. Helen Keller

Uçurtmalar rüzgar gücü ile değil, o güce karşı koydukları için yükselirler. Winston Churchill

When we do our best, we never know what miracles await us. Helen Keller Helen Keller

"Elimizden gelenin en iyisini yaptığımızda, hangi mucizelerin bizleri beklediğini asla bilemeyiz." Helen Keller

A person can overcome anything with unlimited enthusiasm. Charles Schwab

People don't decide their future, they decide their habits; and their habits decide their future. FM Alexander

Ne kazandığın başarılarda takılı kal ne de hatalarında ısrar et. Bunların yerine yeniden başla; şimdinin her değerli anında yeniden başla. N. Donald Walsch

Vakit varken tomurcukları topla. Zaman hala uçup gidiyor ve bugün gülümseyen bu çiçek yarın ölüyor olabilir. Dead Poets Society

If you carry the cloud of the place you come from, you cannot see the sun of the place you are going. Tayfun Topaloğlu

If the universe is taking the things you love from you, then you are strong enough to give. Tayfun Topaloğlu

If it can't be done, do it! If you don't, it can't exist. Paul Arden

There are no shortcuts to any road worth going. Beverly Sills

Wherever you are, it is always the starting point.  That's why life is so beautiful, so young, so fresh. Osho

No one can go back and make a fresh start; but today he can make a new ending and start again. Frank M Robinson

Another meaning of smiling at life is to show one's teeth to life. Tayfun Topaloğlu

Being yourself in a world that is working day and night with all its might to make you no different from the others means fighting the hardest battle in the world. Once this war has begun, it will never end! e.e. cummings

No matter how seriously you want something, nothing is too high to reach. Hans C. Andersen

My sun sets to rise again. Robert Browning

If luck isn't knocking on the door, maybe there isn't one. Build a door. Milton Berle

Everything we want is on the other side of fear. George Adair

Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can. Arthur Ashe

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