Personal Motivation Management

Kişisel Motivasyon Yönetimi... Kişisel Motivasyon Yönetimi, bireyin bir hedefi gerçekleştirmeye yönelik çabasındaki yoğunluğunu, yönelimini ve ısrarını ifade eden motivasyon sürecinin etkin şekilde yönetilmesidir.

Personal Motivation Management

Personal Motivation Management is the effective management of the motivational process, which expresses the intensity (intensity of need), orientation (focus) and persistence (positive expectation) in an individual's effort to achieve a goal.

There are three important elements in the management of the motivation process, in making a goal-oriented effort and in maintaining this effort:

  1. Motives-Requirements: Human behavior is directed towards a goal by certain internal forces. The person tries to satisfy these needs consciously or unconsciously. These energetic forces within individuals drive people to action in certain ways, and environmental factors often trigger these needs.
  2. Faith-Positive Expectation: One must believe that this effort will eventually reach his goal. A person's positive expectations for the results of the action play an important role in sticking to and persisting in one's effort. The most important factor affecting his belief is his belief that his skills and external resources are sufficient. The potential (internal resources) and environmental (external) resources of the person deeply affect the beginning and the continuation of the effort.
  3. (Perceived) Value of Purpose: The fact that our purpose is valuable means how important it is for us to reach the goal. An objective purpose has a subjective value in everyone's eyes. For this reason, it is an important element that determines the effort we will spend to reach it.

Kişisel motivasyon yönetiminin bu üç temel faktörü bir araya geldiğinde sinerjik bir etki yaratarak çabaların istenilen hedefe ulaşması için motivasyon gücünü sağlamaktadır. Ancak çabaların başarıya ulaşmasını etkileyen bazı çevresel faktörler de vardır. Tüm bunları “Motivasyon Süreci-Başarı Modeli” içinde irdeleyebiliriz.

Tayfun Topaloğlu

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