Personal Motivation Techniques: Increase Your Motivational Power with 60 Special Techniques

Kişisel Motivasyon Teknikleri...En etkili 60 motivasyon tekniği ile motivasyon gücünüzü artırabilir ve hedefleriniz için motive olabilirsiniz

"Beklersen, sadece sana geleni alırsın; ama eğer gidersen, istediğin her şeyi." Tayfun Topaloğlu özlü sözleri

Personal Motivation Techniques: Increase Your Motivational Power with 60 Special Techniques

Motivasyon teknikleri kişisel motivasyon sürecimizi etkin şekilde yönetmekte faydalandığımız yardımcı araçlardır. Burada yer verdiğimiz 60 özel teknik ile motivasyon gücünüzü artırabilirsiniz. Şimdi bu teknikleri sırayla açıklayalım.

 1. Take one step at a time.

Sometimes things get so big in our eyes that we can't start the work that is in front of us. It will be easier for us to go step by step with baby steps instead of finishing the job all at once. If you think about how that big book will end, you may never be able to start it. Therefore, try to focus on the first page of the book first, then the next five pages, and eventually the whole book, and you will have finished using this method.

 2. Do a job you don't like, in times and environments that you like.

Perhaps we do very little of the work we do in our lifetime with great pleasure. In such cases, you might consider doing a tedious job at a time or in an environment where your energy and morale are high. Taking that boring job out of the way with the high morale of time and environment will make it easier to complete.

3. Pay attention to the “80/20” Pareto principle.

İtalyan ekonomist Vilfredo Pareto yaşadığı dönemde ilginç bir ilişkinin varlığını gözlemlemişti. O dönemde ülke topraklarının ve mal varlıklarının % 80’ine, ülke nüfusunun % 20’si sahip durumdaydı. Sonradan fark ettiği üzere, bu oransal ilişkinin pek çok farklı alanda geçerliliği bulunmaktaydı. Günümüzde de geçerliliğini koruduğu düşünülen bu ilkenin motivasyon yönetimi açısından anlamı açıktır. Sarf ettiğimiz çabanın sadece % 20’si tüm sonuçlarının % 80’ini etkilemektedir. Doğru işleri yapmak ve işleri doğru yapmak, aldığımız sonuçların etkinliğini belirlemektedir. Doğru işleri yapmak, hedeflerimizi doğru şekilde belirleyip bu hedeflere yönelik kaynakların aktarılması sayesinde olabilecektir. Siz de işlerinizin hangi % 20’lik kısmının, elde ettiğiniz sonuçların % 80’ini etkilediğini belirlemeye çalışın. Böylece etkinlik yüzdenizi artırabilir ve girişimlerinizden sonuç alma becerinizi geliştirebilirsiniz.

4. Focus on the fun aspects of your job.

No matter how boring, every job has at least one fun side. By noticing this aspect, you can succeed in making your work enjoyable. In addition, the more you manage to increase the enjoyable aspects of your work, the more positive feelings you will develop towards your work and the more you can be motivated. Ask yourself this question: What are the fun parts of my job? If you can't see it right away, ask a second question: What can I do differently to make this job fun?

5. Start first, fix later.

Some people spend a lot of time planning the work, even at the beginning, with the feelings of perfectionism. According to them, everything should be perfectly planned and flawless. This is one of the most important factors that cause us to lose our desire and enthusiasm for work over time. We can never completely eliminate the shortcomings of the business without even starting and taking action. Because at each step, a brand new situation may arise and render our plans ineffective. Besides, taking action and seeing the work progress somehow will give us great energy and morale. In this way, it will be more possible to achieve results, especially for long-term works.

6. I am enough, therefore I am.

If your skills don't meet the requirements for the job you're considering starting, you need more than a great desire to get started. When we don't feel competent, we don't want to start a job we aim for and end up being disappointed. It would be more appropriate for us to take such a step after gaining those skills. Therefore, after trying hard to improve your skills, you may want to consider taking a course or training if necessary.

7. Imagine the result.

Sometimes our energy is so depleted that we can't find the energy we need to get the job done. What you can practice at times like these is to do creative visualization. Imagine yourself finishing that job, with great comfort, doing the finishing work on your job will provide. Try to visualize the image in as much detail as possible. See yourself as you complete the last mission, hear the sounds you make, feel relaxed and live the moment with your whole being. While experiencing that feeling of relaxation, smile at your last job and see you walk out the door with the relief of finishing the job!

8. Take a break from work when your morale and energy are at their peak.

When we are full of positive emotions, that is, our energy is not yet exhausted, taking a break from our work and returning to that work after the break will motivate us more. In other words, quitting at the top will create more desire in us to start that job again. After all, what we remember when we want to return will be those good feelings we felt before the break.

Tayfun Topaloğlu Youtube Channel

9. Take action.

When we're having trouble getting started, taking one small step can provide us with the inspiration we need. Allow yourself to do just one little thing about it. Then, if you want, you can stop and let the process happen. For example, if your job is to answer e-mails that have been waiting for a while, go ahead with the intention of only replying to one. If it's a phone call you've put off, just pick up the phone and that's it! This small start you make may awaken a greater desire in you; so you can create great results.

10. Do only one job at a time.

Dealing with different things at the same time is a way of life for some people. They are people who like to start small. But when it comes to completing the work you have started, you come face to face with the dark side of this habit. Many things waiting to be finished pile up like a mountain before you and you find yourself in a deep sense of inadequacy. In a longer period, you may experience physical and mental problems due to carrying more than you can carry. At this point, knowing yourself and being aware of your own limits will be an important guide for you.

11. Be alert and “CANCEL”.

Protecting your own mind from the negative and malicious thoughts of others is of great importance on the path to success. You may have to protect your mind with your life by seeing it as a castle and surrounding it with high walls. You must allow only the people and thoughts that you choose to enter this castle, which prompt you to think positively. In particular, we need to try to be on the lookout for statements from people closest to you. Most of all, we keep our guard low against the people closest to us. All kinds of negative thoughts from them can lower your energy and morale and leave us with feelings of doubt over time. When you stay in such situations, you can give yourself suggestions by saying "I CANCEL this thought". Thus, you can prevent these negativities from settling in your mind and subconscious.

12. Where did I come from, where am I going?

At certain times, we lose our connection due to the distance between where we came from and where we started, and we fall into the void because we do not know where we are. For example, in long-term projects such as learning a foreign language, writing a book or preparing for an exam, it will have a morale boosting effect to focus on how far we have gone towards the goal rather than how far we have left to reach our goal. Visualizing the extent of this progress (for example, drawing a cumulative graph showing the total amount of work done and how long it took) would be very helpful. Thus, the lost connection in our minds will be re-established.

13. Reward yourself.

When you finish an important job or project, be sure to give yourself something you love as a reward. This could include ordering yourself a favorite dessert, watching that movie you've always wanted to watch, going on a trip that can lift you up, or seeing a friend you love dearly. Here you will determine the most suitable award for you. In this way, by placing rewards that get the job done, you will positively condition yourself and create an inner strength to get things done.

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14. Downshift occasionally.

Do not expect yourself to work at a high tempo all the time, it will not only reduce your performance, but also prevent you from finding the energy to take on the next tasks; It can even endanger your health. Therefore, do not be afraid to stop where you need to stop. Take a break from work or try to slow your pace for a while without feeling guilty. Especially many people who have the characteristics of type A personality can be a complete workaholic. However, due to the negativities created by the high tempo, they unknowingly endanger their health.

15. Use incense and music as a motivational tool.

During the study, the use of incense, which is a stimulating scent in the environment, and listening to a light music can be very useful in processing information into memory, as well as increasing concentration. Using these tools in any job that you have difficulty starting in the next period will help you get into the working mood and help you remember important information more easily. Thanks to the simultaneous use of different sensory channels during the recording of the studied information in the brain, the information will be recorded more firmly in the memory.

16. Pay attention to the influence of the working environment.

HerzbergAs stated in 's theory, working conditions do not create a positive reason for the motivation of the person, while poor working conditions affect the motivation power for work quite negatively. Carrying out many processes, such as the room temperature being suitable, the sound and noise being at a level that can be removed, the removal of moving things that may distract you, will affect your work efficiency in a positive way.

17. Use the positive effect of competition.

A lion appears in front of two friends who are camping in the forest, which is obvious in every way that it is hungry. One starts to run fast, while the other moves to take his running shoes out of his backpack and starts taking off his boots from his feet. When he looked back and saw this, his friend said in surprise, “What do you think you are doing, are you going to run faster than the lion?” he says. As he hurried past his friend, having already changed his shoes; He replies to his friend by saying, "Not if I run faster than the lion, but faster than you." Sometimes all it takes is just being good enough from others.

18. Update the way you do business.

If you think doing the same things in the same places every day doesn't negatively affect your work efficiency, think again. What disrupts your effectiveness may be the work itself or the way you do business. Doing things in the same order, intensity and tempo all the time can cause you to get bored with work. To get rid of this boredom of monotony, you can put yourself in a better mood by changing the order, intensity and tempo of your work, or all three. Also, temporarily or completely changing your workplace and layout may provide a solution to this problem. As Lena Horne puts it, “It's not the weight you carry that upsets you, it's the way you carry it.” 

19. Get a model.

Being in close relationships with people with similar goals will often yield more effective results than working alone in isolation. In addition, good relations and collaborations with people who are better than us in a way will be very beneficial for us to gain new skills. Everyone has their own strengths and talents to be inspired by. Having the opportunity to work with such people can completely change our perspective on work. Sometimes by observing a person, we can learn a lot from him and get practical solutions for the areas we have difficulty with. Does he make a better presentation, use his communication skills effectively, or have a different way of thinking? A careful observation at this point will be of great help to you. By modeling his superior skill, you can develop your own special abilities and maximize your performance in your work.

20 Be creative.

Although creativity seems to be a characteristic of artists, it is a hidden talent that is found in everyone but is covered over time. Even if the nature of the work you do does not require innovations and different perspectives, a unique touch that you can add to the way you do the work can change your feelings about the work in a positive way. At the same time, when you use your creative energy, you feel better, and as you enjoy your work, your passion and commitment to that work will increase. Isn't that the goal anyway?

21. Apply 'Parkinson's Law'.

Sometimes the completion of a job can take a long time. In such cases, the length of the process will negatively affect our motivation power. According to Parkinson's Law, a job expands to fill the time allotted to it. This can cause us to lose our sense of urgency and get stuck in our comfort zone. Two methods that can be applied in this regard are to make the work more difficult by adding more additional work into the process or to shorten the time by pulling the time forward as if it would end earlier. For example, if there is a project that has to reach the end of the year, you can mobilize yourself by making the project more difficult or by pushing the deadline. If you can't set the deadline and you have three small jobs to be completed within 1 week, it will most likely take 1 week to complete those jobs. In addition to these three tasks, you can take on four more tasks, all of which must be completed the day before, to use your dormant potential.

22. Change your focus.

In our internal conversations in jobs that we are reluctant to start, we always focus on the challenging, difficult and challenging aspects of the job. But in order to start the work we love, we turn our focus to the easy, enjoyable, and attractive aspects of the job. At this point, you can use this focus, which you use to engage in pleasurable tasks, to start difficult and unpleasant tasks. The next time you tackle a difficult and boring task, try to focus on the pleasant and easy aspects of the task; so you can motivate yourself more.

23. Pay attention to your posture.

Usually, thoughts, feelings and behaviors occur in interaction with each other. While your physical condition affects your thoughts and feelings, your thoughts and feelings also affect our behavior. When our energy is low, we unconsciously drop our shoulders, lean forward, sprawl in the chair, and sit down to breathe more shallowly. However, when we lift our heads, straighten our bodies, and begin to breathe more deeply, we begin to feel better. If you find yourself sluggish, bored, and depressed, take a slightly more careful look at your physical posture. Move from the position you are in, breathe deeply and smile sincerely; your mood will get better in a short time.

24. Take the hardest to the beginning.

Generally, in almost every job, we are more oriented towards avoiding the difficult things and doing the pleasant things. For this reason, the jobs that are left to the end are the ones that cause us the most difficulty. Try to do the most annoying task that is on your to-do list and that will be the most challenging for you, while your energy is still high. In this way, you prevent that job from constantly preoccupying your mind and you can turn to your next pleasant work with the comfort of removing it.

25. Make yourself angry.

Sometimes you don't need positive emotions to get things done, but aggressive emotions like surging waves. In this respect, a controlled outburst of anger will do the trick. By taking advantage of the motivating effect of anger, you can provide the energy you need. To accomplish tasks that are difficult for you at certain times, try venting your emotions by angering yourself. Let your anger surround you. Get angry at your job that puts you in these situations. Maybe you deserve a good kick for leaving this job to the last minute. Prove to yourself that you are stronger than him. Then use this intense energy to finish your work.

26. Think about how much you earn per hour.

The strong relationship between effort and result may go unnoticed after a long period of time. From time to time, you may need an awareness to remind you of this relationship. For example, if you are a salaried employee, you can increase the positive energy towards your business by dividing the money you earn monthly or annually by the day or perhaps by the hour. In addition, you can think of what you can provide yourself with the money you have earned in this short time, and look at this job from a more positive perspective, which meets your needs.

27. Just plan the work.

Sometimes all you have to do for jobs that you have trouble starting with is just planning the job. Just planning the work will also give you morale and make you feel like you are doing something. Sit at the table to plan how and when you will do this job that you have envisioned. You can also make a special note for this. Analyze your work and try to break it down into smaller pieces. You can use this plan as a guide to get the job done. In the next step, take the job to do the first small piece of this job you've planned.

28. Watch, read, listen and find inspiration.

If you're feeling pretty tired and sluggish, you need inspiration to motivate and inspire you. For example, you can watch movies, listen to music, browse quotes and read meaningful short stories that can motivate you. Maybe what you need is a strong example. It is a true story of someone who has done great things by coming out of difficulties. All of these have the potential to revitalize you. For this purpose, you can find the appropriate inspiration by browsing the sections of our site about movies, stories and quotes.

29. Remember how you did in the past.

Sometimes, you may not be able to do a job that we have easily done before or that we have overcome in the past for different reasons, or you may not have the same enthusiasm to do it. At times like these, it can be motivating to consciously remember how you did it in the past. What did you do when you were in the same situation in the past? What did you do differently? Try to remember the factor that prompted you to achieve that job. What was different in that situation, what was the only thing that motivated you? If you can remember this, it will be possible for you to catch that excitement again in a similar or different job that you have difficulty with today.

30. Show your brain the target.

Setting daily goals is a powerful factor in focusing your energy. You make a prioritization in your mind, especially by planning what you will do the next day. By listing what you will do for the next day, you set a goal for your brain. By taking a few minutes at the end of the day, you can get the chance to start your work faster and more effectively the next day with the help of your daily plans for the next day. You can also do this for longer term goals. Targeting that you can do on a weekly or monthly basis will be of great benefit to you in seeing your way ahead and feeling yourself in control over your life.

31. Pull out the good memory.

Sometimes good things happen during the day, but we let ourselves get carried away by a frustrating event in between. Now our focus has shifted to it, albeit unintentionally, and we chew that event in our minds like chewing gum. A wrong transaction, an unfair criticism, or a bad performance… Whatever it is, it is important to pay attention to the whole day and to yourself. nothing good happened today Try to shift your focus to the positive. You may not be able to change this unpleasant situation, but by spreading your attention throughout the day, at least you will not let this situation depress you further.

32. Do not insist on completion.

In any situation, we sometimes get greedy and insist until we finish the job at hand. This has the same result as insisting on driving until we run out of gas. You run out of gas and you're on the road. Maybe you can increase the quantity by insisting, but you will be sacrificing the quality. Do not do this! Follow the schedule you plan to do during the day and even if the job you are doing is not finished, quit that job and move on to the next one. Sometimes just starting many things will be enough and it will have more positive impact on our morale. At the same time, since you left the job with positive feelings, you won't have much difficulty in starting again.

33. Use negative motivation.

Most of the time what drives you is to avoid negative consequences. Many people are more motivated in such situations. The thing to do is try to create a negative motivational effect on yourself by imagining all the negative consequences of not getting the job done. If you don't take a step in this matter, try to visualize how difficult situations you may get or your life may be in a dead end. A group of people may dislike such a negative effect and may become more paralyzed. Trying to focus on positive outcomes for them will be more effective.

34. It is your approach that is rejected.

How long can you withstand the no-answers about your job? Many people prefer to view such situations as a challenge. If you don't want to give up what you want, you should consider changing your approach. As Einstein said, always trying the same things and expecting different results is insane. The other party's expectation from you is simple; He wants you to approach him more wisely. You should not take the negative reactions or responses you encounter personally, and you should respond to the expectation by reviewing your approach. Often it is your approach that is rejected, not you!

35. Anchor to success.

'anchoring' used as an NLP technique; refers to the attachment of the emotional, intellectual internal state of the person to external triggers in the position of an stimulant-anchor. Often unconsciously, we encounter anchors in many areas of life. In many events that we have experienced since our childhood, anchors have been thrown at us without realizing it. When we are in intense emotional states (fear, joy, sadness, etc.), anything we see, hear, taste or touch at that moment can become an anchor for us. For example, seeing the product and the brand together with the intensity of the emotions we experience in advertisements can be considered as anchoring. The movements, rituals, or touching of their personal belongings to bring luck to the athletes are positive anchors that make them ready for the match. How can we use this technique to our advantage? First of all, for a permanent anchor, we must enter the intensity of emotion and anchor at the most appropriate point at the most appropriate time. Generally, we can anchor the emotional mood of the moment to a point in your body with a touch on a suitable point in our body that we have determined, at the most appropriate time in the intensity of emotion. For example, you can do this for a sense of self-confidence. Take yourself to a time when you had this emotion in the past and imagine it as if you were reliving that moment, tapping a point you set when you enter the highest emotion intensity. This, palm-like it should not be a frequently used point; For example, it can be a stance like in goal celebrations. Imagine doing this move at any given time and check it out. If you can get into that mood, then the connection has been made. Now, when you want to experience the same strong feeling another time, it will be enough to touch the point where you anchored.

36. Force yourself.

Sometimes we turn to certain goals, relying only on our intrinsic motivation. In the beginning, our energy and determination to succeed is high. However, certain goals require long-term effort, and when our desire is low, it is very difficult to meet them. In such cases, we may also need driving forces outside of ourselves. Due to the social climate we live in, we have become difficult to do anything spontaneously. Therefore, if we think that we are not obliged to do something, we can easily choose not to do it. Due to this nature of ours, we may lose interest in the works we started willingly and lovingly. When we do not create an order that will force ourselves whether we want it or not, it does not seem possible at all to bring the end of long-term goals. You must create factors that will force you to do that job in your life and enclose yourself in a circle of necessity. YThe completion of certain tasks at this stage is determined by rules, laws and time limits. However, most personal goals do not include such obligations. Therefore, taking into account such situations, we should include external obligations in our goals. We must set ourselves such goals that the end of that goal becomes necessary not only by our will, but also by external compulsions.

37. Tell those around you.

Sharing your goals, dreams, and what we want to do with others can create a process of external control for us. Only we know the dreams we keep to ourselves. However, when we share these dreams with others, the process will become even more serious. Reminders, perhaps compulsions and teasing from those around us can play an encouraging role for us when our willingness decreases.

38. Act like the person you want to be.

Who do you want to be? If this person you want to be is someone you take as an example and is like your ideal, you can start acting, speaking and thinking like him now. Live life through his eyes, think like him, talk like him. The more you act like your ideal person, the more you will begin to resemble that person. In this way, you will be able to achieve the results he received in time. A legendary story is told about this. In ancient times, in a country, there lived a king. But because this king was hunchbacked, he could not appear in front of his people out of shame. One day he decided to have his own statue made in front of his palace; however, he had a statue made that is unlike him, standing upright and having a proper physique. Every day he would go in front of that statue and look at it and try to look like him. After a long time, the king decided to appear before his people. When he appeared before his people, all the people were left in amazement. Because they couldn't believe it when they saw that their king no longer had a hunchback and even had a very smooth physique.(Self Model Technique)

39. Realize that your choices are your own.

Sometimes we really don't want to do anything. Especially if we're working on a job or project that we don't want. If you don't want to do anything in such situations, act as if it's your choice and really do nothing. You choose to work or not to work here, and that decision is yours. You can go out if you wish. But it will still be your choice to stay and fight. When you realize that your choices are yours, you can take control again. After a short time, you may prefer to embrace your work with enthusiasm.

40. Think positive.

In the words of Willie Nelson, when you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you start seeing positive results. Positive thinking can be one of the best things that can happen to you. Remember that you have a choice in difficult situations. You can choose to bother yourself by being sad about something, or you can choose to increase your energy by seeing the good sides. By thinking positively, it is possible for you to become a healthier, more effective and more determined person.

41. Don't let what you can't do interfere with what you can do.

Sometimes we become obsessed with things happening and unconsciously beat ourselves up to make it happen. In such cases, we allow our "time" and "energy", which are really important, to disappear in a way. There are a thousand and one ways to achieve the things we want in life. But when we become stubborn with the circumstances, we overlook all other possible alternatives. We need to show the flexibility to change the paths to the goal by adapting to changing conditions.

42. Arouse curiosity.

Your interest in your work will directly determine the quality of the results you get. Although we often do not have the opportunity to do the things we love, we can always create the chance to do what we do with interest. So we can ask ourselves what is the educational side of doing this job, what interesting things can I learn by doing this now. Arousing curiosity is one of the best ways to generate interest by bringing a different perspective to the boring work we do.

43. Don't finish.

One of the simple ways to make a strong start to the new day is to complete a simple task from the previous day. Sometimes the only problem is getting started. The thought of starting the new day with a big job can sometimes negatively affect our motivation power. So try to leave without making the last move to finish the job at hand. So you can start the next day with the pleasure of finishing your remaining work immediately.

44. Keep your dreams in mind.

Dreams want to be remembered. Try to keep in mind the pictures, objects and writings of your dreams at all times. Decorate your room, desk and walls with things that remind you of it. One of the best methods for this is to get a "dream board" where you can see them together. You can put anything on your dream board that will remind you of your dream car, school or life. In addition, pictures that will remind you of your past achievements will also give you morale. In addition, tools that will remind you where you came from can also take their place here. If you realize that all these things no longer create excitement for you, you can replace them with new ones and continue to keep their effect alive.

45. Find “reasons” for yourself.

When we have strong reasons for what we do, we are more motivated. Sometimes we forget why we do what we do. Or when we encounter situations that we had trouble getting started with. to reminders we need Give yourself as much as you can to start or complete a task. Why? try to find it. If possible, list them in writing. If you can't find it, create reasons so you can show yourself that doing it makes sense and is necessary. In the words of Jim Rohn; If you have enough reasons, you can do anything.

46. Observe yourself.

There are certain time periods during the day when our yield naturally rises or falls. It is often very difficult to keep working at the same pace. By observing yourself carefully, you will also be able to identify when you work more effectively. This will act as your “motivational behavior guide”. At what times of the day, in which environments, and in which work do you increase your efficiency and effectiveness? If you can realize this and make the necessary adjustments, you will have the chance to maximize your performance.

47. Create synergy.

Being in relationships with people who do similar jobs is also important for your personal motivation. In this way, you can increase your knowledge in your field, as well as benefit from the positive influence of people who will support you in your business when your individual fuel runs out. In addition, working as a group has a positive effect on the creation of enthusiasm and enthusiasm in terms of work motivation. Taking advantage of the synergy of working together is of great importance, especially for individuals working individually.

48. Have fun when you worry.

When all morale drops to zero, it may be best to take a break from your work and enjoy yourself. You cannot fully devote yourself to your work again until your morale is up. In this case, what you need to do is to do fun things for a while, watch funny movies, or relax yourself. to laughter therapy is to take. Watch, read, listen and do funny things. These will allow you to take your attention away from the depressed mood and turn to fun things for a while. In addition, laughing, having fun and having a pleasant time will activate the hormones of happiness, which will protect you from the negative effects of stress and will help you stay healthier by strengthening your immune system.

49. Do not withhold positive words from yourself.

Sometimes, even if we do everything right, we withhold positive words from ourselves and turn these moments into ordinary situations. But it's at times like these that we need the words of appreciation that we expect to hear from someone else the most. Why should we expect such words from others? We can cheer ourselves up by saying such positive words to ourselves. Of course, you don't have to say these things out loud, you can say them in your heart. Now say to yourself those beautiful phrases you want to hear from others. Construct your own internal communication in a positive way and do not spare yourself the good words you always expect.

50. The more you are responsible for, the more you can have.

Shakespeare says: “Act as if what you do makes a difference. Because it creates.” Sometimes we lose the connection of the work we do with the big picture. We have much more power in life than we think, and we use only a small part of it. We have a small part in all the events in the world. Global warming, pollution, extinction of species etc. When we think about all this, the more we think we are responsible for the world, the more meaning we attach to the actions we take. When you use 1 kilo less paper per year, you can make a small contribution to the survival of forests. Focus on the big picture and keep in mind how much of a difference your work can make to the world.

51. Health comes first.

If you do not feel healthy and well enough, it will be very difficult for you to get the most out of your work. Being physically and mentally healthy and taking care of yourself is very important not only for your work but also for your life in general. Even the slightest cold you experience has the potential to distract you from your work. In such a situation, all you can do is regain your health, as all your energy and attention will be devoted to healing. You can get yourself together as soon as possible and then return to your work more powerfully and efficiently.

52. Pay attention to your nutrition.

Your diet determines your motivation more than you think. The meals you eat and how often you consume them greatly affect your mental state and physical strength. In particular, inadequate and irregular nutrition and the lack of regular intake of vitamins and nutrients for the body can deteriorate your health as well as your work efficiency. For example, in the simplest terms, the deficiency of vitamins B1 and B12 leads to impaired concentration and impaired memory, while the deficiency of potassium causes irritability and confusion.Foods That Boost Your Brain Power)

53. Pay attention to your clothing.

How we look is an important factor for others, and even more so for ourselves. Sometimes we don't pay much attention to our clothing because of the rush. But our outward appearance has a powerful influence on how we feel. An outfit that is as stylish as it is comfortable can provide us with the morale and self-confidence we need. The style of clothing you prefer that day will directly determine the image and impression we want to create in the people around us. Research shows that self-confident behavior combined with an attractive and stylish outfit positively affects the behavior of others towards you.

54. 'Really' clear your head.

It will be very difficult to truly reflect on your performance when your mind is full of unnecessary thoughts and distracted. One way to focus your thoughts on what you're going to do is to compare your preoccupying thoughts to a tangible object. Close your eyes and concentrate. What exactly would it look like if all those thoughts looked like objects? Try to determine in detail the shape, color and other features of this object that occupies your mind. Then imagine it as if it were inside your head. Then imagine opening your head and pulling this object out of your head. Take this object in your hands and feel it fully. Finally, throw it away! Now that he's gone, thoughts that aren't there won't be occupying your mind like they used to.

55. Listen to the philosophy of Feng Shui.

Translated into our language as “wind” and “water”, feng shui is an “eco-art” that connects man and his destiny with the environment he lives in, whether natural or man-made, cosmic or local. The aim of this Chinese philosophy, which dates back thousands of years, is to arrange buildings, rooms and furniture in the most efficient way to ensure the highest harmony with nature. Most of us don't like it when we enter a place, or we feel happy and filled with positive energy when we enter another place. Feng shui tries to define what elements in our environment make us feel bad or good. For example, according to this philosophy, if you work with your back to the door, you think that someone might break in and interrupt your work. As a result, your efficiency and productivity decrease. You can apply the practical suggestions of feng shui expert Sarah Rossbach (2001) about this in your life:

  • Placing the desk facing the room door (on the diagonal corner of the door) is beneficial as it provides a high degree of concentration and control and allows for the widest viewing angle. If the table cannot be placed in the diagonal corner of the door, you should hang a mirror so that you can see the intruders.
  • Make sure there are no interior windows behind you.
  • Sitting close to the door will cause the person to quit their job before the end of the workday and avoid overwork. By paying too much attention to the door, these people will think about going out all the time. Again, hanging a mirror on the opposite wall will draw attention to the opposite side.
  • To create a calmer atmosphere, you can place a bowl with a fish in it or just a bowl of water on the table.
  • People who work with computers should sit facing the door, or they may begin to behave nervously after a while.

56. Write “motivation letters” to yourself.

What do you want to do, be and have in the future? Imagine yourself ten years from now, having what you want, and try writing letters to your present self from where you are now. How did you achieve this, what did you do well, and you achieved the things you wanted. Make recommendations to yourself through that person's point of view. What he did right, what steps he took, and what he paid attention to while doing them, he achieved this success.

57. Ask them.

There are people in our lives that we take as an example or that we always want to be like them. Even if these people are not alive, you can imagine what they might say to you or what they would do in this situation. Sometimes we are indecisive or do not know what to do in some situations. What would they do if they were left in this situation, how would they think? Think and feel like them and look at your own situation from their world. What would they tell you, what would they recommend?

58. Giving up is also a virtue.

Instead of directing our life towards a great goal, we prefer to focus on it with our whole being. Directing our energy and resources towards that goal means releasing a great deal of energy. To achieve it, we need to remove outdated goals from our minds and lives that do not support or relate to it. In every situation we give up, we give ourselves permission for a new life. The virtue of giving up is that it sets us free..!

59. Ask powerful questions.

When your focus shifts to problems and past mistakes, it's almost impossible to get effective results. In such cases, a strong question you can ask yourself will turn your focus back to the solution and the present. What can I do differently next time? How can I mobilize myself in this situation? What strong step can I take now to achieve my future goal? All these powerful questions will focus our attention on the direction where we can be creatively active and will motivate us to achieve better results.

60. If not now, when, if not here, where?

Life consists of the sum of individual 'moments' and we travel in a huge 'now'. The best time for the things we want to do is “now” and the best place is “here”. There may not be an opportunity to realize it afterward, because afterward is a moment beyond our control. Life is such a thing that the regret of the things we did can be forgotten as time passes, but the pain of the things we didn't do will never leave our minds and continue to live with us. Even saying that I have tried at least contributes a lot to us as an experience. then why now and here Let's not take advantage of it by creating an opportunity, why postpone it until later?


Dr. Tayfun Topaloğlu

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  • Sarah Rossbach (2001) Interior and Decoration with Feng Shui (Trans. Levent Akçatepe), Dharma Publications, Istanbul.

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