Personal Energy Management: Ways to Conserving and Upgrading Our Energy

Kişisel Enerji Yönetimi: Enerjimizi Korumanın ve Yükseltmenin Yolları video eğitimi

Kişisel Enerji Yönetimi: Enerjimizi Korumanın ve Yükseltmenin Yolları video eğitimi

Personal Energy Management

Ways to Conserving and Upgrading Our Energy

Energy means life. When our life energy is exhausted, the curtain is closed and the movie is over. When we feel energetic, it seems like there is no limit to what we can do. When we feel tired, even the simplest things begin to be difficult for us. Therefore, the fate of our energy is of vital importance. Here in this video tutorial, we'll cover unique ways to protect and amplify our personal energy while sharing tips for effectively managing it. For the technical-heavy short video of this training click here.

The level of energy that a person has goes along with his life cycle. When we are young, we have a lot of energy. However, as we age, our energy level begins to decrease relatively. This is a normal process. Although every person continues his life with a certain level of energy, there are some factors in life that short-circuit this cycle. Health problems come first. Osho says "Before the physical body dies, the bioenergy begins to die and a person who has deep contact with their bioenergy now knows that their energy is shrinking. Life is expanding, death is shrinking.“When we have a severe cold or a serious accident, we have to devote a large part of our vital energy to healing. In such cases, our only goal is to regain our health and therefore to regain our old energy level.

Energy is the of the business. If you don't have energy, be kind!  Paul Arden

Although the subject of energy has been in the interest of different disciplines for a long time, we will evaluate energy in terms of performance and health in this training. In terms of performance, we can think of energy in the simplest way as the fuel we use to continue our lives effectively. Energy, which has an important value in motivation management, determines to what extent we can reach our goals.

In a deeper sense, energy is the source of all existence. From this point of view, everything consists of energy and is fundamentally interconnected. We will consider this dimension of the energy that directs life, especially in terms of protecting our health. We will link this with healing energy applications and bring a metaphysical perspective.

The state of our bioenergy directly determines our life in general and our activity in life. For example, the competitors cannot complete the race because their energy is exhausted. Life is just like that, when our energy is weak, our life journey is interrupted or comes to an end. Most mountaineers who climb Mount Everest, the world's highest peak, make their accident while descending. In other words, accidents and deaths occur in the process when they are tired and their energy decreases. Similarly, our energy level determines the story of our life journey in a sense.

The Energy of Hope

The Power of Hope, I mentioned that the hope levels of mice increase their stamina. In other words, being hopeful in a specific or general sense is also a powerful factor that energizes us. The more hopeful we are, the higher our energy level. Of course, life is not just about living, we also want to live well, live well and reach our goals in life. Therefore, we use our life energy not only to survive, but also to make our life more meaningful.

The Energy of the Managing Time

Our energy level is the only criterion that determines what we can do in life. When we say we don't have time for this, we mean that we don't have enough energy. We often use energy synonymously with time. Time is one of the only things that are equally distributed in life. And how we choose to use it is one of the most important issues of personal energy management as well as the art of living. (See also Value-Oriented Time Management Video Tutorial)

Because using time correctly gives you energy. When you use it ineffectively, you lose your valuable energy indirectly. To put it simply, when you start the day aimlessly, you will be thrown in the direction of the wind, and you will find yourself spending time with unnecessary things. When you have a strong purpose, you will have a chance to focus your energy on a single point. In this respect, one of the best ways to use your time and therefore your energy effectively is to set strong goals for yourself.

Energy of Health

In the motivation management process, efforts are made to increase the effort energy and keep it strong. One of the factors that determine the strength and continuity of effort energy is how healthy we are physically and mentally. When we experience health problems, we channel most of our energy towards healing. Since we devote most of our vital energy to healing, our motivation is weakened. Simply put, when we are sleep deprived, we inevitably spend the day at a low energy level. When this situation becomes permanent, it is inevitable that health problems will arise. Also, being able to adequately meet our vital needs is as important to our survival as it is for our daily energy. We therefore assume that we have already considered these key issues of energy management.

Earlier "11 Laws of Development of Life” The laws of Balance and Harmony that I mentioned in my video can also guide us to protect our vital energy. When we are in harmony with life, when we act with it, we can manage to conserve our energy. When we are aware of our own nature and act in accordance with it, we can prevent unnecessary energy losses. If our life is swirling like a stormy sea these days, we need to devote more of our energy to staying afloat. In times like these, we must immerse ourselves in the waves and move with it. In time, the storms will subside, and our sea of life will become stagnant again. Then we will have a chance to direct our energy towards our goals.

The Energy of Self-Knowledge

Each person has a certain energy structure that characterizes him. Some of us look more energetic, while some of us look a little more languid. Although most of us are aware of our personal energy structure, we often go about our daily lives without taking it into account. (See also Self-Knowledge and Vocational Choice Guide)

Knowing yourself has many benefits in terms of using your energy effectively: First of all, let's try to answer these questions sincerely: At what time of the day do you feel more energetic? Are you more productive in the morning or evening? For example, when you know at what time of the day you are more fit and productive, you may prefer to do strenuous work at that time. When was the last time you felt energetic? What made that moment different? If possible, can you do again what made you energized at that moment? 

Energy Orientation

People continue their lives by using their physical and mental energy by nature. However, every person exhibits one of these two characteristics more in terms of their energy orientation. While introverted people direct their energies more towards their inner world, extroverted people direct their energies more towards their outer world. Unlike introverts, who spend more time in their lives with individual and intellectual activities, extroverts lead a more social and active life. Although people generally exhibit the common characteristics of these two groups, they are divided into two different categories in terms of these energy orientations.

By nature, extroverts have higher physical energies. Introverts have higher mental energy. However, the amount of effort energy exhibited by both groups in daily life is almost equal. This simply indicates that the two groups evaluated their motivational energies in different ways. This fundamental difference in energy structure directly affects many preferences of most people, from their social life to their professional orientation. For example, extroverts are better at jobs that require social skills, while introverts are better at jobs that require intellectual skills. Of course, every person has the potential to achieve anything if they show a strong will. All you have to do is try to improve yourself.

While introverts need more time to be alone and quiet to gather their energies; extroverts need to get together with other people to talk, socialize and move. When we evaluate ourselves from this perspective, we can realize what we need to do to increase our energy and reveal the energy we need.

A person who does what he believes in never runs out of energy. Goethe

Balancing the Energy

Making an effort in motivation management means being mentally and physically active. It is necessary to use these two systems in a balanced way in terms of your physical and mental efficiency. Those who live at the extremes of introverted and extroverted energy may find themselves struggling with motivation problems after a while. For this reason, it is necessary to balance intellectual activity with physical activity and physical activity with mental activity during the day.

Have you ever noticed that although you have worked all day without moving much, you are often tired at the end of the day? This is due to the fact that mental energy is used extremely over physical energy. You feel exhausted because your mental effort is not balanced by physical effort. The same is true for the opposite. At such times, you should try to find a way to use your body in your intellectual work and to actively use your mind in bodily work.

Exercising regularly is an effective method for keeping fit, as well as overcoming anxiety, stress and all mental problems. When you are anxious, looking for a solution to a problem, when you are sad and distressed, try to act and you will see the difference. Run, walk, swim, jump rope, sit-ups; whatever you do; but always be on the move. This will positively affect your mental energy and productivity.

Being on the go is a process that extroverts are used to. However, at the end of the day, the yield starts to decrease. The best way to deal with this is to activate the inward energy that you use less. Engaging in mental activities during work or during a break can increase your efficiency in order to balance the extroverted energy. For example, when you listen to a speech from the earphones while running or cycling, you realize that you do not understand how time passes, and that you do not get tired. 

Creative Energy

Abraham Maslow stated that a first-rate soup is more creative than a second-rate painting, and that being creative can actually be a general human quality. Every person carries within himself the creative power that can shape himself and the world. But when this great power is not used effectively, problems arise in the flow of internal energy. That is, when a person ceases to create, he may be exposed to the destructive effect of the creative power. Especially people with strong creative energy should be more careful in this respect. People who do not actively use their creative energy may have to live a completely unsatisfied life by constantly struggling with mental and physical ailments. (See also Best Quotations on Creativity)

Osho mentioned that healthy people are already naturally creative. For him, creativity is the fragrance of true health. When a person is truly healthy and whole, creativity will naturally arise within himself.18 However, many people do not fully utilize this unique potential. By limiting himself, he ignores this reality.

See every problem as an opportunity to use creative energy. Stephen Covey

The first and most basic step of creativity starts with producing. When we are productive, we unleash our creative energy. The second step of creativity is to make this productivity goal-oriented. Every person starts the day with a creative energy. However, this energy becomes qualified when used for a purpose. What makes productivity unique is purpose-oriented. This is what brings out true creativity. A person who manages to direct his creative energy to his sole purpose in life will have the chance to make his life his greatest work.

Just as stagnant waters become polluted and flowing waters remain clean, our vital energy must be in a constant state of flux. If this does not occur, blockages may occur in the energy cycle in our body. Apart from goal-oriented productivity, any positive form of self-expression can fuel creative energy.

The surest and most effective way of expressing oneself is doing what we love and doing something we love. In addition, being interested in any branch of art and sports plays an active role in the healthy cycle of this energy. Any artistic and sportive activity you can think of, such as writing, writing a poem, essay or a book, keeping a diary, painting, taking pictures, playing games, dancing, swimming, playing football or basketball will ensure the healthy functioning of creative energy. 

The Energy of Action

Worrying and anxious thoughts use up a lot of our existing mental energy. This situation is similar to a virus that consumes your computer ram. In fact, it's because of the way we think that causes such thoughts. A pessimistic mindset accustomed to making negative inferences can be more dangerous than the anxiety-provoking situation itself. The optimism techniques that I have shared with you before will be useful for you to relieve your anxieties and worries. (Optimistic Thinking Techniques .

Endişe ve kaygılar yoğun bir korku duygusuyla birleştiğinde, hayatı yaşanmaz hale getirebilir. Zihni korkudan arındırmanın en etkili yolu ise, korkunun üstüne gitmek ve eyleme geçmektir. Her gün sizi korkutan bir şey yapın der, Eleanor Roosevelt. Spencer Johnson’ın ifadesiyle: “Korktuğunuz şey, asla hayal ettiğiniz kadar kötü değildir. Zihninizde biriktirdiğiniz korku, aslında var olan durumdan daha kötüdür.” Hangi konuda olursa olsun, endişe ve korku duyduğunuz bir konuda adım atmak kendimizi iyi hissettirir. İyi hissetmek de ihtiyaç duyduğumuz enerjiyi ortaya çıkaracak bir güce sahiptir. Ayrıca kontrol edemediğimiz şeylerden ziyade, kontrol edebildiklerimize odaklanmayı seçmek, yaşadığımız çaresizlik hissini bertaraf edecektir. Sonuçta kendi eylemlerimiz de kontrol edebildiğimiz yegane şeydir. (Motivasyon gücünüzü artırmak için Personal Motivation Techniques)

Chronic Fatigue

Chronic fatigue is a state of constant fatigue and irritability. If you wake up tired in the morning and spend time at a low energy level during the day, if you feel exhausted even though you do nothing, your tiredness has become chronic. For a condition to be described as chronic fatigue, it must have no apparent cause. For example, the reason for the feeling of fatigue that you will experience throughout the day after a sleepless night is obvious. And the solution is to have a good sleep at the first opportunity. If there is no negative situation in terms of your general health, the reason why fatigue becomes chronic is usually the psychological burdens you carry. At the end of the training, I will be sharing an application that will be useful to you in this regard.

Energy-Focused Nutrition

Your diet plays a big role in your energy. A healthy and balanced diet will provide you with the energy you already need. But the point to be aware of is certain nutrients that give you energy quickly. For example, when your energy drops, you might consider boosting it with a chocolate, energy drink, or coffee. However, after a while, your rapidly increasing energy will drop down at a higher rate. This type of diet can come in handy when you urgently need a boost of energy: before an exam, when you need to focus urgently, or in the morning of a sleepless night. But such things should never be seen as a means of providing sustainable energy. (See also Foods That Boost Your Brain Power)

The Energy of the Work

Due to the nature of some jobs, the potential to generate energy is high. For example, while all works done with love reveal a positive energy, all works done out of fear, anxiety or unwillingness have a structure that consumes our energy. Enjoyable, playful, competitive pursuits often give us a lot of energy. When dealing with them, we do not realize how the time passes. But most of the time we do most of the things we do because we have to. However, no matter how boring a job we do, there is always a chance that we can make it more fun by reviewing the way we do it. Our personal energy is heavily influenced by the way we look at a situation. So even if something is boring, we can ask ourselves what's fun about it, what can I do differently now that I can make it more enjoyable?

Energy of Colors

Each color has a different energy. Just as the wavelengths they have are different, the energy vibrations they emit are also different. Vivid colors have higher energy and we realize that these colors are in the content of all fun activities. For example, when you enter a room with colors such as yellow, orange and red, you often feel that you are under the influence of a high energy… Dark, dark rooms give an air of mourning… You know, most of the thriller and horror movies contain dark scenes. Light colors reflect energy as well as light. But dark colors absorb light, actually absorbing some kind of energy. Although black and white are not seen as colours, in social perception it is accepted that white has a close relationship with life and black with death. Renklerin enerjisinden birkaç farklı şekilde faydalanabiliriz. (Uygulamalar için videoyu izleyiniz)

The Energy of Music

Music is food for the soul. There is something special about music that balances, elevates or calms our personal energy. We have heard that music has been used for healing purposes many times throughout the ages. Certain sounds of nature, especially the sound of water, also have a calming and even healing quality. For example, many versions of classical music give us a calmer mood, while epic-style music has an uplifting tone. To change your mood, it is enough to listen to one of these two music styles even for a short time. Eğer enerjimizi belirli bir yönde harekete geçirmek istiyorsak, bu bilgiyi kendi lehimize kullanmayı düşünebiliriz. Özellikle atmosferik New Age türü müzikler, meditasyon uygulamalarıyla birleştirildiğinde zihnin ve bedenin dengelenmesine büyük katkı sağlayacaktır. (Motivational Music / Relaxing Music)

Energy Shield

Maintaining your existing energy is often more important than trying to raise it. Many times throughout our lives, we may encounter situations where our energy suddenly drops. When we encounter a person or enter an environment, we suddenly feel that our energy drops and is suddenly withdrawn from your body. Often, it is too late to move away from such environments. However, if we are aware of it and use the technique that we will talk about now, it will be easier for us to conserve our precious energy.

For example, when we go to visit a patient or meet with a troubled friend, we can predict that the energy in the environment will be low. At such times, it can be useful to be prepared and to use a technique that we can call energy shielding.

Just before you enter the medium, imagine that you have a ray shield surrounding your entire body. When you open your arms, you will be extremely safe in this area that is the width of a circle that surrounds you. For example, you might think that this area has a golden yellow color. This shield, which covers you like an armor, will protect you from the low or negative energy outside, while preventing the high energy inside you from escaping.

Energy of the Agenda

Staying away from the news and the agenda can create a detox effect for you. In the words of Steve Chandler:If you don't listen to, watch or read any news from time to time, you will see your optimism about life increase. You feel the energy rise within you.” In accordance with the Pareto Principle, of the developments on the agenda consists of unnecessary, negative and repetitive news. So if you don't follow them, you won't lose much. A partition, on the other hand, is relatively important. But if news is important, it will reach you somehow. Therefore, you do not need to follow the developments all day long for this.

In addition, the ineffective use of social media is another energy leak. And the feeling that I will miss the developments can cause you to miss out on life. Therefore, the most important agenda item that you should take care of should be your own energy level.

The Energy of Anger

Anger can release a high energy. The energy of anger has the potential to get us in trouble when used uncontrollably. When it is managed well, many things that seem impossible can become possible with the enormous energy it unleashes.

The typical movements of some athletes have caught your attention. Sometimes when the desired performance does not come, they become angry and even more ambitious. Thus, they can release the energy they need for a short time… For example, when you are angry, try to run like crazy, and you will most likely break your career record. Afterward, you will feel your energy draining and you will see that you are relaxed. Check out our short video called Why are you angry? and for successful anger management: Anger Control and Anger Management Techniques videoma bir göz atabilirsiniz).

The Energy of Challenges

Living in the comfort zone is like a sweet sleep. Most of the time it's a pleasure to be there and we don't want to push ourselves too much. But this is the surest way to waste our potential. And it takes valuable energy with it. Two simple things we can do to deal with this; to enlarge the target and increase competition.

1. Enlarge Target: You can start by first reviewing the vital and daily goals you have set for yourself. Challenge yourself and exaggerate your goals a little. For example, if you have a job that you need to do 3 units a day, try doubling it instead of 4 units….. Think about what you need to do to reach it and activate your creative energy. The solutions you find at first may seem impossible to you, but this situation is likely to provide you with the necessary energy by creating a new opening in your mind.

2. Increase Competition: A sweet competition with a suitable competitor will sometimes throw off the dead soil on you. When you're stuck in your comfort zone, everything you do starts to feel good enough. Sometimes all you need is solid competition. When you identify yourself with much more challenging opponents, you will realize that the energy you need is coming out more and more day by day.

Energy of the Eyes

Osho, in his book The Book of Secrets, points to the eyes as the ultimate escape point for energy. I would like to convey to you a valuable technique he shared in his book with his words (p. 486-492):

“Eighty percent of the energy goes out through the eyes. You go into the world through your eyes. That's why when you get tired, your eyes are the first to get tired. Later, other parts of the body are affected, but the eyes are the first to run out of energy. If you can refresh the eyes, you can refresh the whole body, because they are eighty percent of your energy. If you can regenerate your eyes, you reinvigorate yourself.

In a natural environment, you will not feel as tired as in an unnatural city, because in a natural environment your eyes are constantly fed. Greenery, fresh air… Everything relaxes and relaxes the eyes. In a modern city, everything exploits the eyes and nothing feeds them… The reason why deep sleep rejuvenates you is not sleep, it is because the outgoing energy moves inside. If you know the secret, then you can do in minutes what an ordinary person does with six to eight hours of sleep a day…. A mysterious process is going on in your sleep. One of the most basic things is that the energy doesn't come out, it pours into your heart, and it revitalizes you. You take a deep bath with your own energy.

Anytime during the day, relax in a chair… You can do it even while sitting on the train… Close your eyes, feel a sense of relaxation throughout your body, then put your palms over your eyes. But don't suppress… This is very important. Touch like a feather. Using both palms; but just like a feather, without applying any pressure... If you press, you miss the point, you miss the whole technique. If you suppress, then the energy flowing from the eyes begins to resist, to fight. Do not suppress; touch like a feather. You have to get used to it, because at first you will suppress it. Gradually reduce the pressure until you start touching without applying any pressure… Let your palms just touch the eye sockets. Just a touch, a meeting without pressure, because if there's pressure, then the technique won't work. With a simple touch, the energy starts to move inside. The door is closed; The door is simply closed and the energy returns. The moment the energy returns, you feel a lightness come to your face. The returning energy will lighten you up.

One of the best ways to balance our mental and physical energies is to meditate. You can combine this technique suggested by Osho with a meditation practice. Meditation, in particular, draws our mind, which is dulled by unnecessary thoughts, into the present moment and allows you to clarify the mind… You can apply the guided meditation work that I have prepared for you before on this subject. (Power of Now Meditation)

Biorhythm Theory

We all feel better and fitter some days for no reason. Sometimes the opposite happens. Here is an explanation for such periods by Wilhelm Fliess: According to this theory, which he calls biorhythm, our daily life consists of certain rhythmic cycles. The Biorhythm Theory, which argues that we are born with three different cycles at birth, basically includes physical, mental and emotional processes. Accordingly, the physical cycle is completed in 23 days, the emotional cycle in 28 days, and the mental cycle in 33 days, and these cycles start from zero and continue throughout life in the form of positive and negative waves.

According to the theory, if the cycles are in a positive process, people feel better for no particular reason, but feel worse if they are in a negative process. While biorhythm theory is a very interesting topic, according to many studies, it predicts nothing more than a coincidence. However, the existence of such a cycle seems logical and interesting to many people…. If you think that your biorhythm has a linear effect on your life and you are interested in this subject, siteden You can calculate your biorhythm cycles online.

Healing Energy Applications

We continue this part of the training with healing energy applications. In the introduction, we stated that all life consists of energy. Our life energy comes not only from the food we take, but also from its harmony with the universal life energy. Everything in the universe exists in harmony. Just as all the organs in our body have to work in harmony, we have to be in harmony with life. One of the situations that interrupts this harmony is our thinking processes. Living in intense stress with negative thoughts, worries, and anxiety, and constantly experiencing negative emotions such as sadness, regret, and hatred lead to blockages in the energy flow in our body. When the harmony between the universal energy and our bioenergy is disrupted, various diseases begin to appear in our body.

For thousands of years, ancient civilizations have used the universal energy, which they call different names, to stay in harmony with life and to lead a healthy life. The Universal Life Energy, which is called "Prana" by the Indians, "Chi" by the Chinese, and "Reiki" by the Japanese, was expressed as "Kut" meaning "Sacred Energy" and "Life Force" in ancient Turks. The use of this energy as a source of healing is based on various applications. Certain practices, also discovered by the West in the last few hundred years, have found their place as a complement to modern medicine. I would like to briefly share some of the most well-known applications with you.

Reiki is one of these practices. Reiki, originating from Tibet, was developed by the Japanese Buddhist Dr. It was revealed by Mikao Usui and turned into a healing technique. Reiki is a spiritual technique of transferring universal energy to oneself or others. Accordingly, universal energy flows through the 7 energy centers in the human body, called chakras. Universal energy transforms into human energy in these ways and balances all the body and organs. When these channels are clogged and blocked, the energy does not flow as before and various problems begin to appear in terms of our health. Here, with the help of Reiki, we can use the universal life energy for healing purposes both on ourselves and on other living things. As a Reiki practitioner since 2005, I must state that I have benefited greatly from its healing effect. For this, we must first be aware that this infinite energy of the universe is accessible to all of us. Although Reiki has different applications, the most known way is to transfer energy through hands. (Watch the video for the application)

Another of the healing energy applications is reflexology. Known as foot reflexology or regional therapy, this method is based on the idea that the soles of the feet have "reflex points" that correspond to other parts of the body. Accordingly, when a problem occurs in any part of the body, it is thought that these areas will react with a significant pain to any pressure applied to these reflex points. For this reason, a good foot massage using the rubbing method, or even resting your feet in warm water, can make you feel much more relaxed. (King, 135). Thus, the organs that have problems in the flow of energy are determined and the body's self-healing process is tried to be activated.

Acupuncture, one of the ancient practices of Chinese medicine, is the oldest of the healing energy practices. Acupuncture works by applying needles to the energy meridians that surround the body. Oriental sciences, unlike modern medicine, do not distinguish between parts and wholes. It treats the soul and the body as a whole. According to this holistic perspective, ailments are a sign of the disruption of the harmony between bodily energy and vital energy. Accordingly, ailments occur when the life energy flowing through energy meridians and passing through different organs is blocked at certain resistance points of the body. Stimulations to these points with needles help to open the energy blockages.

Expressed as the Emotional Freedom Technique, EFT is another energy work that is applied by taking into account the energy meridians. EFT is applied by repeating affirmations involving a specific topic during fingertip taps on acupuncture points on the meridians. This technique is used especially in the solution of energy blockages created by emotional traumas.

All these energy applications for healing purposes, which we have described so far, are very valuable tools. It will be of great benefit if you use a technique that you find closest to yourself, in order to protect your health and balance your bioenergy.

However, in my view, an absolute transformation at the level of consciousness is necessary for all these systems to lead to permanent changes in human life. Because the most basic reason for the formation of energy blockages is the ongoing intellectual conflicts in the mental dimension. If the ways of thinking that lead to such conflicts are not noticed and efforts are not made to change them, all these miraculous methods we have listed here will not go beyond an endless effort to relieve symptoms. 

The prominent field of study in this regard is the science of psychosomatics. Although psychosomatic is a nomenclature used for physiological disorders of psychological origin, we know that intellectual problems are at the root of almost all diseases. Especially the physiological effects of the endless conflicts we experience in our minds constitute the area of interest of psychosomatics. If we want to better understand the energy blockages that threaten our health, we need to take a closer look at the tensions created in the body by the conflicts we experience at the conscious level.

This also explains the basic paradigm of stress, which is one of the biggest problems of our age. In fact, the word stress means tension and tension. Hans Selye, the father of stress theory, "It's not stress that kills us, it's our response to stress" He then points to the intellectual processes that constitute the main cause of this tension.

It's not the stress that kills us, it's our response to stress. Hans Selye

As a result, all long-term tensions in the body cause energy to be blocked. Unless the mental conflicts, which are the root cause of this tension, are not resolved, real recovery is unlikely. For example, a regret refers to an intellectual conflict that you did but didn't want to do, or didn't do but wanted to do. Such an environment of conflict, which becomes chronic, increasingly heavy and integrated with intense emotions, will negatively affect our health by causing disruptions in the energy cycle of the body.

Energy Balloon Application

In the last part of this training, where we explain the ways to protect and increase our energy under the title of personal energy management, I would like to share with you a creative visualization technique that I prepared specifically for this training. With this work, we aim to raise your energy level by purifying you of your mental burdens.. (Enerji  Balonu Uygulaması için videoyu izleyebilirsiniz.)


Tayfun Topaloğlu

All Video Tutorials

Osho (2010) Book of Secrets 2 – The Key to Understanding Yourself (Trans. Niran Elçi), 2nd Edition, Omega Publications, Istanbul.
Sergey King (2006) Imagination Engineering (Trans. Yonca Hancıoğlu) Kuralsız Publishing, 2nd Edition, İstanbul.
Tayfun Topaloglu (2019) Motivational Genius, Cinius Publications, Istanbul.

4 Effective Ways to Protect and Increase Our Personal Energy

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