Words of Science and Wisdom, I “Smart people would still live the same life even if all laws were abolished.” Aristophanes
I, Happiness Quotes “Bu hayatta mutlu olmanın yolu, beklentiyi düşük tutmaktır. Yoksa, kanatlarından vurulmuş kuşa dönersin.” Sabahattin Ali
Quotes About Life, I “Şiddetle değişen bir dünyɑ, ɑncɑk dɑhɑ çok şiddetin vɑr olduğu bir dünyɑ olur.” Hannah Arendt
Words of Science and Wisdom, I “A wise man is naturally like a king. Maybe he's a beggar, but he's still a king. It is in his kingdom. It has endless treasures. He has overcome his unconsciousness. That is wisdom.” Osho
I, Words About People “Man was called human because he made human beings human in proportion to his humanity.” Yusuf Has Hacib
I, Creativity Quotes “Yaratıcılık, beklenmeyeni aramaktan ve kendi tecrübenizin dışına doğru adım atmaktan gelir.” Masaru Ibuka