Words of Science and Wisdom, Quotes About Life, I, Words About People “Now he had learned something: riches that were not shared with others were devastating.” Michael Ende
I, Picture Quotations, Risk Taking Quotes Often times, taking risks is the safest way to reach your goal…
I, Happiness Quotes "What is happiness? Happiness is the feeling that comes to you when the observer is the observed. Happiness is the feeling that comes to you when you are in harmony, unbroken, undivided, whole. Emotion is not something that comes from outside. It is the melody born of your inner harmony.” Osho
Words of Science and Wisdom, I “When you try to judge someone, remember the possibility that they may not have your privileges.” F Scott Fitzgerald
Different Thinking Quotes, I, Words About People “No matter who gives you confidence, you owe them a lot.” Truman Capote