Words of Science and Wisdom, Words of Courage, I “There is nothing to fear; because we have nothing to lose. All that can be taken from you is worthless; So why fear, why worry, why doubt? These are the real robbers: suspicion, anxiety, fear. They are ruining your entire possibility of celebration. Celebrate the world while you are still in the world.” Osho
Words of Science and Wisdom, Education and Training Words, I “The function of education should be to help you be yourself, rather than trying to be like someone else, starting from childhood.” Jiddu Krishnamurti
I, Believe Quotes, Happiness Quotes “If we believe that we deserve happiness, how small is enough to make us happy.” Mark Twain
I, Words About People “When we blame ourselves, it feels like no one else has the right to blame us.” Oscar Wilde
Words of Science and Wisdom, Awareness Words, Quotes About Life, I, Love and Love Quotes “The more you love, the more you are loved. The more you give, the more you get. Life proves it to me every hour, every day. Life continues to surprise.” Dean R. Koontz
I, Happiness Quotes “The secret of happiness and virtue; is to love what you have to do.” Aldous Huxley