Different Thinking Quotes, I “The enemy of the good is not evil, it is the absence of thought.” Hannah Arendt
Quotes About Life, I “It doesn't matter if the initial step is weak. What is done well is done forever, it is permanent.” Henry D Thoreau
I, Words About People “Being human is not easy; Especially if there is no social order that can be lived in a humane way!” John Steinbeck
Awareness Words, I “A small bystander lives inside a person; an always cool and unchanging spectator who neither participates in behavior nor pain.” Andrey Platonov
Words of Courage, I, Personal Development Quotes, Happiness Quotes “You want happiness in life, but safety is much more important to you. You are ready to break your back, to give your life for the sake of safety. You don't know what the courage of a high-headed individual is, for he has never learned to create, enjoy, and preserve happiness.” Wilhelm Reich