Words of Science and Wisdom, I “İnsan fikri, tıpkı elmas gibidir; tıraş edilmezse parlamaz.” Friedrich Hölderlin
Quotes About Life, I, Time Management Quotes “Time is the other gambler sitting across from us at the gambling table and all the cards are in his hand, we only get something from that table in exchange for life.” José Saramago
Awareness Words, Different Thinking Quotes, I “The past was for remembering, the present was for living, the future was for worrying.” José Saramago
Words of Science and Wisdom, I, Words About People “If wealth is valued more than reason and art in a country, it should be known that the sacs are swollen and heads are empty.” Friedrich Holderlin
Different Thinking Quotes, I, Positive Thinking Quotes "Is the tree cursed because its fruit falls into the mud?" Friedrich Holderlin