Words of Science and Wisdom, I “It is the greatest folly to sacrifice one's health for whatever it may be for the sake of making money, for advancement, for being very knowledgeable, for fame, especially for lust and fleeting pleasures.” Arthur Schopenhauer
Words of Science and Wisdom, I “You will be surprised to know that an intelligent man is never greedy. Greed is part of not being smart. You save for tomorrow; because you don't trust that you can handle your life tomorrow, otherwise why save up?" Osho
I, Words About People “Do not let those whose hands have lost their fertility interfere in your affairs; because they are the ones who are selling empty words for your labor.” Khalil Gibran
Words of Courage, I, Believe Quotes, Words of Victory and Winning “Do whatever you believe is necessary. No matter what others say, don't mind. You win.” Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
Quotes About Life, I “A tree doesn't ask a bird where you're from, it just sings along.” Khalil Gibran
Words of Science and Wisdom, I, Words About People “Those who see the difference between the soul and the body find neither.” Oscar Wilde