The Power of Faith: The Man with His Hand in the Air

İnancın Gücü: Eli Havada Adam... İnancınız için neleri göze alırdınız? Yeni Delhi'li Mahant Amar Bharti Ji, bundan yaklaşık 50 yıl önce, 23 yaşındayken, Hindu Tanrısı Şiva'ya bağlılık yemini eder ve dünya barışı için kefaret olarak sağ elini havaya kaldırır ve 1973 yılından bu yana kolunu bir daha asla indirmez.

The Power of Faith: The Man with His Hand in the Air

What would you risk for your faith? How far would you go?

Human history is rife with those 'so-called' heroic stories of people who massacred and oppressed people for their own faith. So much so these people even think that they will be rewarded by the God they believe in. Of course, all these negativities aside, there are great people in this world who try to do great things in the name of their faith. All these historical figures thought and advocated living and helping others live in the name of goodness, love, and peace despite their person or faith, and most of us can remember the names of such people.

There are many forms of religious belief in the world. The place where these are most common is India. In fact, there is almost one God for every person in this country. Recently, the population of India surpassed the population of China, making this country the most populous in the world. Despite it being a poor country, India has a rich cultural structure. For this reason, this situation enables different and interesting stories to come out from within the society. One of them is the story of Mahant Amar Bharti Ji.

About 50 years ago, a 23-year-old Mahant Amar Bharti Ji, from New Delhi, took an oath in the name of Hindu God Shiva-the God of destruction and rebirth-and raised his right hand into the air as a penance for world peace. The Indian priest has never lowered his arm since 1973.

A Symbol of 50 Years of Faith

About three years ago, Bharti, who left his family behind, was affected by a dream he had and thus suddenly devoted to God Shiva. As a token of devotion, Bharti raised his right arm up in the air to oppose wars and support world peace. As time went by, Bharti's muscles atrophied and in several years his arm couldn't bend anymore although he suffered a lot during this period. This was considered to be evidence of his belief in Moksha, a state of ultimate salvation and realization. Even his arm never fell down when he slept, and this gesture became a strong belief for his faith. And his story spread from mouth to mouth. With this stance, Bharti was soon to become famous as the "Man with His Hand in the Air" and soon he became an important figure who inspired many people in India.

Bharti, who still carries on with his healthy life, maintains, "Why is there so much hatred and hostility between us? I just want Indians and the whole world to live in peace with each other," hoping that this symbolic act would contribute something to world peace.

The Motivation of Faith

This man's story may be meaningless to many people. However, when it comes to faith, it may not be right looking for a logic behind behavior. In many ways, this interesting story of Bharti can be seen as a living example of how strong belief can be. Considering how hard it is to hold one of your arms up in the air for 5 days or 5 hours, let alone 50 years, then if a man has been able to do this for 50 years he must be accepted to have a really strong belief. It is a doubtless fact that every person claiming belief in their dreams, goals, and things they do needs such an example of dedication to achieve them. What do you think?

Quotes on Believing

You Become What You Believe

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