“There are two best times to make an important decision in life; the first was years ago, the second is now..!” Joyce Chapman Words of the Day, Decision Words, Picture Quotations Motivational Coaching with Dr. Tayfun Topaloğlu 👉 Apply “There are two best times to make an important decision in life; the first was years ago, the second is now..!” Joyce Chapman “You are at a dead end. Not because you made the wrong decisions, but because you made the right decisions. For trying to make sensible decisions based on the data you have.” Paul Arden Effective Decision Making Technique “People don't decide their future, they decide their habits; and their habits decide their future.” F. Matthias Alexander The Most Influential Videos About The Importance Of Making The Right Decisions Seçimler ve Kararlar Üzerine Özlü Sözler