17 Basic Laws of Life

Hayatın 17 Temel Yasası Dan Millman

Hayatın 17 Temel Yasası Dan Millman

The 17 Fundamental Laws of Life express the important principles and principles of life contained in Dan Millman's book “The Purpose of Your Life”. Just like the law of gravity, these laws guide us to take more confident steps as we move towards our goals in life and shed light on the problems we face on this path.

The Laws of Life are spiritual principles and principles that act as levers to help us move towards the most positive expression of our life path. These laws reflect the expression of a universal order, beyond cultural notions of right or wrong, good or bad. The laws of life do not merely heal the symptoms of discontent; They also heal and balance our tendencies, impulses, and fears that are the source of our difficulties, whether they manifest as our "relationship problems," "health problems," or other problems.

We can use this helpful guidance by remembering it and then doing it, turning knowledge into action. As you apply this wisdom to those moments when it is most needed, the quality of those moments will appear to improve.

Law of Flexibility

Robert Frost said, “Always accept what you are asked to accept. Accept it and make it your own way.” Flexibility involves accepting and using the lived moment pragmatically, rather than rigidly resisting it. It never means that we endure what we dislike without resistance, ignore injustice, or allow ourselves to be sacrificed. Flexibility requires not just “going with the flow” but embracing it and using it constructively, in vigilant awareness. By acting in accordance with this law, we can succeed in turning problems into opportunities.


“God give me the patience to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

Elections Act

The Law of Choices signals our power and responsibility to choose how we react to our circumstances. This is a power that we never lose as long as we live. By acting in accordance with this law, we can live our lives more clearly by making choices with a purpose, and we take responsibility for the directions we choose to go, rather than seeing life as something that just happened to us.

Responsibility Law

Recall areas and moments in your life where you felt overly responsible and tended to be overly helpful or backed out in resentment. In such cases, you may have violated the liability law. Once we have established our limits of responsibility, we can take full responsibility for what is our duty and let go of what is not our duty; in so doing, we derive greater pleasure from supporting others and create more harmonious cooperative relationships. When we apply the Law of Responsibility, we support others, but we also accept the support others offer us; We strike a balance between the two. We do things that make us feel good internally because of doing it; If we don't feel well internally, we express our feelings and come to a compromise.

Law of Equilibrium

Life loves balance. Everything in nature is in an effort to come into balance. Achieving physical, emotional, mental and spiritual balance has been the goal of many traditions around the world regarding the study of human potential. Regarding balance, the state of balance between “giving and receiving” is the area that needs the most attention. The universe reminds us that what we feel most needed is what we most need to give. The Law of Balance states that we get what we give. However, the thing to be aware of is the fact that conditional giving can cut off the buying energy.

Process Law

As a natural instinct, people have a great desire to achieve their goals. However, they may ignore the process required for this. This is the biggest problem of results-oriented people. The longer the path to the goal remains uncertain, the more doubts arise, and we end up ineffective in taking the first step and where to start. On the way to the goal, if we want to get from point A to point Z, the surest way to get there is to first go to point B, then point C, and then point D.

Patterns Law

The law of patterns primarily refers to habits that we consider dysfunctional, negative or destructive; addresses the patterns we wish to change. Whatever we want to change in ourselves will tend to assert itself, unless we do something different to interrupt the pattern. First, it is necessary to recognize the patterns (intellectual and behavioral habits) that have a say in our lives and replace it with something different that will make us more positive. For this, you need to recognize how this pattern first started and focus on the commonalities in the triggers that cause it to continue.

Disciplinary Law

Discipline is the key to freedom and independence. This principle applies to both inner and outer freedom. Inner freedom includes freedom from a negative, turbulent and anxious state of mind, while outer freedom refers to financial and physical adequacy. The Law of Discipline teaches us to set priorities, focus on one thing at a time, focus on the activities we need to do now and set aside what we can do later. A long-term discipline is, in fact, what we call determination. If we want to achieve and achieve something, we have to practice self-discipline.

Quotations on Science and Wisdom


Law of Perfection

When we have problems, we are part of the problem and we struggle within it. This prevents us from seeing the big picture. When we manage to look outside the problem and approach it with a sense of humor, we can see that everything we experience is just the meaning we give it, and in fact, everything is for our good. Although this is a difficult thing to accept, everything in life is perfect for human evolution.

The 'Present Moment' Law

There is no such thing as time; What we call "past" and "future" has no reality outside of our mental structures. The idea of time is an order, a social contract, on which thought and language agree; In reality, there is only the "present moment". While time is an abstract concept, the Law of the Present Moment is not. This is a law that we should apply especially when we have regrets about the past or worries about the future. By becoming accustomed to the idea of the eternal now, we can change our lives forever by bringing our attention back to the now.


Law of Non-Judgment

Judgment is man's invention. There is a state of complete non-judgment in the universe. Everything happens and ends; is not good or bad. Judgment brings with it a standard on which it is based. We judge ourselves, others, and everything that happens by our own high and ideal standards. As a result, we have to face a deep sense of "inadequacy". The Law of Non-Judgment reminds us that humans, not God, invented morality. This law reminds us that He never judges us, he just gives us opportunities to balance and learn.

Law of Faith

Erich Fromm says, “Only when we have faith in ourselves can we have faith in others.” The Law of Belief is based on the acknowledgment that we know more than we read, hear, or learn. We know more because we are something beyond; we have a direct connection with universal wisdom; All we have to do is look, listen, and trust. While some of us may believe that we trust ourselves, on closer inspection we may find that we actually rely on a book, a teacher, theories, or beliefs. When we stop discarding our inner wisdom and choose to rely on our deepest intuition and wisdom as the source of our decisions, we can see the road unfold beneath our feet, no matter where we step.

Law of Expectations

What we believe or expect shapes our outer reality over time, at the deepest or subconscious levels. Everything is energy form and our mind transforms this energy into manifestation form. This phenomenon, which is described as a “self-fulfilling prophecy”, states that the things we expect will appear in our lives, and that we create these expectations and their consequences ourselves. This includes the following information revealed by a study. In the research, the main factor in the longevity of people who live long (in addition to their diet and exercise practices, being less ill, having a vigorous appearance, a sense of humor, and a pleasurable job) is their own expectations; In other words, it has been revealed that people who expect to live longer live longer, while people who do not expect this do not live long despite other factors. But the key to this being true is the "subconscious". That is, we should have such an expectation at the subconscious level.

Integrity Act

Recognizing, accepting and expressing our true inner reality forms the heart of honesty; Only when we are honest with ourselves can we be honest with others. In the sense of integrity, honesty requires acting in accordance with higher laws despite negative impulses. This law is very useful for every human being, especially for those of us who tend to deceive themselves with excuses. This law addresses a larger drama being played out; A drama where we can't really fool anyone but ourselves. If we allow our actions to be determined by jealousy, greed, or cunning urges to direct our actions, the doors of higher energy and inspiration within us will close.

High Will Law

When we surrender ourselves and our will to the guidance of a higher will and dedicate our actions to the highest good of all concerned, we feel an inspired zeal at the center of our lives. The Law of High Will is especially important to those of us who confuse their convictions or beliefs with ultimate truths and impose their own beliefs on them, forgetting that others must follow their own path. It also benefits those of us who have a tendency to self-destruct, who secretly doubt their own well-being or intentions, and those who seek a way to give their life a deeper meaning. It also creates a sense of connection for those of us who feel isolated and alone. Calling on a higher will involves acting for the higher good of all involved, with motives that transcend personal preferences and interests.

Law of Intuition

The Law of Intuition can provide the necessary leverage for those of us who come into this world without a strong sense of identity, center, or inner direction. He also addresses the needs and problems of those who are extremely sensitive to criticism and often wonder if they are doing the right thing, as determined by someone else. In either case, it's easy to lose touch with our own intuition because we're too busy following other people's ideas and opinions. Listening to other people or references is sometimes necessary, but this only provides perspective, it should not run.

Act of Action

Whatever we feel, whatever we know, whatever our potential abilities, only action brings them to life. Those who think they understand concepts such as determination, courage and love will one day discover that we only know when we do; Doing becomes understanding. We need to overcome insecurity and obstacles by overcoming hundreds of reasons, such as self-doubt, lethargy, indifference, excuses, and not doing anything to shake up the current situation. Always remember this; Better to do what we have to do than not do it and find a good reason.

Circuits Law

Since everything in the universe is a form of energy, everything falls under the Law of Circuits. Everything happens according to this law, such as the rising and setting of the sun, the tides of the waves, the seasons of the year, and the day and night. There is an appropriate time and order for everything. Evaluating the energy circuits of our lives helps us to time well and create more "chance" for ourselves. At one time we need to take advantage of an ascending cycle, at another time we need to turn inward and wait patiently to prepare for the next wave. Few things can be more frustrating for us than doing the right thing at the wrong time.


Dan Millman


Source: Dan Millman (1994) “The Purpose of Your Life” (Trans. Semra Ayanbaşı) Akaşa Publications, Istanbul.


11 Laws of Development of Life

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