Sick man; Turkey

Hasta Adam; Türkiye... Türkiye’deki artan antidepresan kullanımı ve ilaç bağımlılığı konusunda rehber niteliğinde bir yazı...

Hasta Adam; Türkiye... Türkiye’deki artan antidepresan kullanımı ve ilaç bağımlılığı konusunda rehber niteliğinde bir yazı...

Sick man; Turkey

A news article published by Hürriyet newspaper on the increasing use of antidepressants and drug addiction in Turkey caught our attention. For this reason, we knocked on Tayfun Topaloğlu's door to evaluate the news and got his views. We think that Tayfun Topaloğlu's suggestions for a healthy life should be taken into account, making important determinations about the factors leading to the depression process.

Summary of the news:

There is a real explosion in the use of antidepressant drugs and the number of patients applying to psychiatrists in Turkey. While 14 million boxes of antidepressants were consumed in 2003, this figure jumped to 26 million boxes in 2007. In the news, which states that drugs are consumed like cheese bread, it is stated that drugs are used unconsciously by people, not because they are needed, but as they think. And it is also stated that the system encourages unnecessary drug use.. (Click for the details of the news:

Tayfun Topaloğlu’nun Yorumu:

The fact that Turkish people turn to antidepressants, which have quite a lot of side effects, at the slightest sadness, frustration and distress, can be attributed to a combination of certain factors. As far as I have observed from my close circle and my clients, it can be said that people who turn to these drugs unnecessarily share certain characteristics. Of course, there will be people who seriously need medication. However, the observations stated here are more valid for people who use these drugs unnecessarily. Therefore, people in this situation can protect themselves from the depression process without using medication, by observing themselves and their thinking habits well and by taking certain precautions regarding the following findings.


The mental energy of individuals who cannot direct themselves to specific and meaningful goals remains idle, and after a while, this energy turns into the person and causes negative thoughts. People who falter for a long time in these negative thoughts enter a vicious circle and their health begins to deteriorate. Ultimately, it is the person himself who will set these goals. Therefore, a person should never be left aimless. This is especially common with people entering the retirement process. People who set the right goals for themselves, even if they are small, and keep their minds busy to achieve them, can protect themselves.

Pressure and stressful environments:

People who have been in negative and stressful environments for a long time in their business or private life find themselves in negative energy and emotions after a while. People in this situation need to realize this and engage in relaxing physical and mental activities. Especially for sports, dance, etc. entertainment-oriented activities ensure that the individual stays in the moment and loads positive emotions. In addition, painting, photography, etc. They can also relax themselves by turning to hobbies. It is necessary to devote a conscious time to these and to do them regularly. In this way, they disrupt the rhythm of negativity and prevent the effects of stress from being permanent.


Setting goals that are not suitable for one's own ecology, unrealistic and outside the control area negatively affect their ability to take action and to get results even if they take action. People who do not get results from their efforts and who experience a feeling of frustration become passive after a while and enter into learned helplessness. Being in action is an important motivational tool, so seeing that you are doing something in line with your goals both gives you morale and makes you feel powerful. Another thing to note here is that the process of depression itself triggers inaction. In order to break this process, it is very important to stay in motion.

Pessimistic personality:

The main characteristics of pessimistic people are that they think that the slightest thing that happens to them will continue forever, that it will spread throughout their lives, and that this situation is caused by themselves. In addition, these people think that good events that happen to them will also be short-lived, that there will be only a limited situation in that regard, and that their success is due to factors other than their own (eg skill) (eg luck). Therefore, all their focus is on bad and negative situations. There are many studies that reveal that pessimistic personality trait is closely related to depression. For this reason, it is necessary to develop an optimistic personality (Editor's note:optimism test”and evaluate the comments and suggestions for yourself).

Turkish people's reactive-reactive attitude:

One of the most important characteristics of Turkish people is that they have a reactive attitude that reacts to events, not proactively. Turkish people, who usually take action when the egg hits the door, have difficulty in taking action until negative events happen to them, especially earthquakes and the last flood disaster. Therefore, instead of developing a passive, passive and reactive attitude, it is necessary to acquire the habit of acting proactively and foresight. In this process, the questions that the person can ask himself are also important. (For example, what are the possible consequences of my behavior in the future?).

Impact / Interpretation / Response process:

SAs a matter of fact, many people think that their negative feelings are caused by negative events and setbacks. However, because they do not realize that their "interpretations" of these events are effective, they suddenly feel like victims and experience negative emotions such as anger, resentment and regret that they cannot get rid of for a long time, and engage in irreversible negative actions. For this reason, we should realize that our behavior is not caused by events, but by the way we interpret them, and we should make this interpretation a habit.

As a result, it is important to consider each of these factors and, as a control mechanism, to keep an eye on one's self or those around them. Thus, it will serve as a warning about what precautions to take, especially to people who are at the beginning of the depression process.

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