Warrior of Truth

We share Tayfun Topaloğlu's article, which was previously published in a printed magazine, with e-motivasyon.net readers. In this article, the author emphasizes that for a more aware life, it is necessary to show the courage to face the truth, just like a warrior.

“As long as you want the truth, you will become free, the more you are alone, the more you will live, and you will live as long as you are aware. This time you will truly live!”

Would you rather have a happiness built on lies, or face the hurtful side of the truth? The answer will be different for most of us. But most of the time, the bitter side of the truth is so heavy that sometimes we prefer not knowing at all and living a life completely blindfolded. Truth hurts, too much. Realizing that we are with the wrong person, that we are practicing the wrong profession, that we have built a world of nonsense for ourselves… It is the facts that hurt us when they suddenly appear one day. Because over time, we get tired of suppressing the voice of the "right" within us. Who knows where our own truths have been hidden all this time? In fact, they are always there, we just are not ready to face it. As we get closer to the inevitable, we either close our eyes and finally fall into the sleep of the princess, or we face the truth like a hero, and all the truth; at any cost.

If the foundation of a building is not solid, you cannot rise on top of that building. You have to demolish that building from the ground up. Such is the effect of the facts in life. It requires starting all over again; There are no shortcuts most of the time. It takes courage to face a reality that you realize. As a warrior of truth, draw your sword, walk against all lies and fight it...

If you seek the truth inside, you will find the world, If you seek outside, you will be from the world.

You can live with a blessed sense of satisfaction by ignoring it; just like millions of people do. For truth-seekers, this road is full of rough turns. Often among the consequences of a mindful life is a deep loneliness, a very deep loneliness. However, the basis of life is questioning life. The essence of life is to fully examine what has been experienced and what will be experienced. This does not lead to very satisfactory results. In general, the truths that emerge as a result of this questioning are very painful. It hurts so much that you can't relieve this pain that you don't know where it comes from. People in search of the truth must prepare themselves for a relentless battle.

Those who are aware have thrown away the chance of not knowing what they know long ago. It is no longer possible to ignore these facts. He has to face the information he has learned about both himself and the people in his life. Sometimes it hurts so much that he may even regret that he has no addictions; because addicts have a place to escape, even for a while, at least. But the person on the path of awareness cannot escape, hide, ignore. He has to face the pain of facts and endure them.

It is better to endure the pain of the truth than a happiness based on lies. It's better to be alone than to be an "ordinary" in a crowd. It is much better for life to travel within itself than to be just any traveler in life. “Not money, love, wealth or happiness to me; give the truth.” says Thoreau. The more you want the truth, the more you will become free, the more you are alone, the more you will live, and you will live as long as you are aware. This time you will truly live!

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