Eğitim ve Öğretimle İlgili En İyi Özlü Sözler
1930’larda Nobel Ödülü’nü kazanmış olan fizikçi Isidor Isaac Rabi, fizikteki başarısını, her gün okul dönüşü annesinin kendisini karşılayış biçimine bağlamaktadır: Bugün hiç güzel bir soru sordun mu, Isaac?” Richard Saul Wurman
He is the only artist who does not have a signature on his work. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
Every person who comes into our lives comes for a reason; some come to learn and some come to teach. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
If your business is doing well, double the education budget, if it's bad, quadruple it. Tom Peters
To teach means to show someone that something is possible. Frederick Salomon Perls
The future of a country depends on the education of the people of that country. Albert Einstein
Keep living as if you always have something new to learn. You will learn. Vernon Howard
You can learn a line from a success, a book from a failure. Paul Brown
Learn the best from the worst; but don't learn from the best to the worst. Johann Kaspar Lavater
If you want to do someone a favor, don't give him fish, teach him how to fish. Confucius
The greatest good that can be done to people is to teach them to use their minds. Moliere
Education is learning to think for yourself. Dead Poets Society – Dead Poets Society
Learning without thinking is useless, thinking without learning is dangerous. Confucius
Nobody forces you to learn. You will learn when you want. Richard Bach
One of the goals of education should be to teach the preciousness of life. Abraham Maslow
Learning is like swimming against the current, if you don't move forward, you will regress. Chinese Proverb
Learn everything about something; know something about everything. Have Dyke
Those who learn in advance learn at the discounted price. Those who learn from authority learn at the price of freedom. Those who learn by trying, learn from the sticker price. Those who learn from life learn with lag time. Those who cannot learn from life learn with their wasted life. Arthur Miller
Hayat bilgeliğini cömertçe sunar. Her şey öğretir. Herkes öğrenemez. Rachel Naomi Remen
Hayattaki tek gerçek başarısızlık, kendisinden bir şey öğrenmediklerimizdir. Anthony J. D’Angelo
If you think education is expensive, calculate the cost of ignorance. Socrates
Hiçbir zaman kaybetmem. Ya kazanırım ya da öğrenirim. Nelson Mandela
Everything that happens to you is either a favor that will be a lesson to you or a lesson that will be a favor. Polly Berends
Öğrenmek için alçakgönüllü olmak gerekir. Ama hayat en büyük öğretmendir. James Joyce
Biri öğretirken, iki kişi öğrenir. Robert A. Heinlein
Acı sana öğretmeyi bitirdiğinde seni terk edecektir. Bruce Lee
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Eğitimden daha pahalı olan tek şey cehalettir. Benjamin Franklin
Ordinary teacher tells. Good teacher explains. The talented teacher makes and it shows. Great teacher inspires. William Arthur Ward
It is not what we eat that makes us strong, but what we digest. It is not what we earn that makes us rich, but what we keep. The things we read are not what make us wise, they are the things we put in our minds. Francis Bacon
There is no stronger teacher than experience; but nothing can be learned from experience unless there is a willingness to learn. George B. Shaw
Where comfort ends and distress begins, the education that life aims to give us begins. Hermann Hesse
The most efficient of schools is the difficulty school. Samuel Smiles
The illiterate of the 21st century is not the illiterate; There will be those who cannot learn, forget and relearn. Alvin Toffler
Eğer bilgeliğe sahip değilsem, size sadece cehaleti öğretebilirim. Leo Buscaglia
Acı çekiyorsun, öğreniyorsun. Boğuluyorsun, öğreniyorsun. Gülerken, öğreniyorsun. Seçim yapıyorsun, öğreniyorsun. Dua ediyorsun, öğreniyorsun. Soru soruyor, öğreniyorsun. Yaşıyorsun, öğreniyorsun. Alanis Morissette
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Supposing that we know is the biggest enemy of learning. Claude Bernard
All other knowledge harms him who does not have the knowledge of the good. Montaigne
To teach is to remind others that they know as well as you do. You are all learners, performers, teachers. Richard Bach
Ne kadar bilirsen bil, anlatabildiklerin, karşındakinin anlayabileceği kadardır. Mevlana
Delusion is for humans; but if your eraser runs out before your pencil, you're doing something very wrong. J. Jenkins
Study thoroughly, research properly, think carefully, review what you think, apply seriously and sincerely. Confucius
Practice is the best of all teachers. Syrus
You cannot teach man anything; You can teach to learn only by finding it within yourself. Galileo
You should have enough education so that you don't overestimate the people around you. But you must be educated enough to be wise so that you do not look down on them. ML Boren
Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. The greatest thing in life is to keep the mind young. Henry Ford
The main purpose of educating someone is to make him a constant questioner. Bishop Creighton
The wise man reads both books and life directly. Lin Yutang
The supreme aim of education is not knowledge but action. Herbert Spencer
Some books are to be tasted, some to be swallowed, and few to be digested. Francis Bacon
Eğitimin amacı, boş bir zihni açık olanla değiştirmektir. Malcolm Forbes
The roots of education are bitter; but its fruits are sweet. Aristotle
Cunning people despise reading, simple people respect, smart people take advantage of it. Francis Bacon
Education is what remains when one forgets everything one learned in school. Albert Einstein
Education in school allows you to make a living. Educating yourself will save you a fortune. Jim Rohn
The greatest war is the war against ignorance. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
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