Düşler ve Hayallere Dair Özlü Sözler

Düşler ve Hayallere Dair Özlü Sözler

Düşler ve Hayallere Dair Özlü Sözler

Düşler ve hayallere dair özlü sözler, özdeyişler, düşlemek hayal etmekle ilgili güzel sözler, hedef ve motivasyon sözleri...

Dream as you live, live as you dream.
Tayfun Topaloğlu

Heaven is where dreams come true. Field of Dreams

Man's life is man's dream. André Gide

Those who have no dreams of their own cannot see yours either. John C. Maxwell

"Kendilerine ait hiçbir hayali olmayanlar, sizinkileri de göremezler." John C. Maxwell özlü sözleri motivasyon hayal düş sözleri...

First, think. Then believe it. Then, fall. And finally, dare! Walt Disney

As long as people live in the realm of imagination. Yahya Kemal Beyatli

As small as the desire that controls you, most You will be as great as your great longing. James Allen

Some ideals are so valuable that Even being defeated on that road is considered a victory. xsentos

The so-called ideal is like a star, we can never catch up with it, but tıpkı denizcilere olduğu gibi, bize de yolumuzu gösteren odur. Carl Schutz

If you can dream it, you can do it. Walt Disney

We are what we are and where we are, because we first imagined it. Donald Curtis

Imagination is more significant than knowledge. Albert Einstein

The fate of one who has dreams should never be in the hands of the one who does not dream. Pat Mesiti

No soul has suffered when he pursues his dreams. Paulo Coelho

Düşlerinizi küçümseyen insanlardan uzak durun. Küçük insanlar bunu hep yaparlar; oysa büyük insanlar, büyük düşlerinizi gerçekleştirebileceğinizi inanmanızı sağlarlar. Mark Twain

Nothing great can be done without dreams. E. Rusaw

Sahip olduğun her şeyi hayallerine ver, senden çıkan enerjiye şaşırıp kalacaksın. William James

Sahip olduğun her şeyi hayallerine ver, senden çıkan enerjiye şaşırıp kalacaksın. William James

People with imagination see things that cannot be seen. Jonathan Swift

All dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them. Walt Disney

Those who liken our life to a dream are completely right. We sleep awake, and while we sleep we are awake. Montaigne

Actually, I don't know anything. Dreaming is everything. Anatole France

Yaratmanın başlangıcıdır düş gücü. Dilediğinizi düşler, düşlediğinizi amaçlar, amaçladığınızı yaratırsınız sonunda. George Bernard Shaw 

What human beings can do is limited to what they imagine. Arthur C Clarke

Don't pray for dreams equal to your power, pray for power equal to your dreams. Michael Nolan

He who looks outside dreams, who looks inside awakens. Carl Jung

Dışarıda ‘gerçeklik’ vardı, dışarıda yollar, evler, insanlar, çeşitli kurum ve kuruluşlar, kitaplıklar ve derslikler vardı -burada, içeride ise sevgi ve ruh, masal ve düş yaşıyordu. Hermann Hesse

In order to wake up to new dreams, it is necessary to wake up from old dreams. Tayfun Topaloğlu 

      Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative. Oscar Wilde

The first way to realize dreams is to wake up from sleep. Paul Valery

Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality. Jules de Gautier

Those who have never been disappointed are those who have never had hope. George Bernard Shaw

Bir kalem ve bir düş seni her yere götürebilir. Joyce A. Myers

The distance between one's imagination and the fulfillment of one's dreams can only be overcome by one's intense desire. Khalil Gibran

The miracle begins when you give your energy to your dreams and not to your fears. Richard Wilkins 

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Artık hayallerim suya düşecek diye kaygılanmıyorum. Çünkü, onlar düşe düşe yüzmeyi öğrenmişler. Cemal Sureya

Life grows or shrinks according to one's imagination.

Kimsenin hayallerini çalmasına izin verme. Onlar senin hayallerin, onların değil. Dan Zadra

The life you complain about is perhaps someone else's dream. Tolstoy

You cannot achieve anything that you cannot imagine yourself doing. Steve Chandler

If you write down your dreams and goals on paper, you start the process of becoming the person you most want to be. Mark Victor Hansen

A good dreamer never wakes up. Fernando Pessoa

What makes life interesting is the possibility of dreams coming true. Paulo Coelho

You dream hundreds of dreams every day and none of them come true; but one day you will live a reality, no dream will fit. Paul Auster

Close your eyes to dream; but open your eyes wide to realize your dream.

You are as big as your dreams. You grow as you imagine. Tayfun Topaloğlu

When you wake up, you have two choices: go back to sleep and have a dream, or wake up and chase the dream. Heraclitus

You must either change your dreams or increase your abilities. Jim Rohn

Imagination is the eye of the soul. Joseph Joubert

Trying to take Baghdad was better than Baghdad itself! IV. Murat

What was your first salary to give up on your dreams? Up In The Air -Aklı Havada


You can always dream and your dreams can come true too; but 'you' have to realize it. Michael Jackson

First I imagine my painting, then I paint my dream. Vincent Van Gogh

A single dream is stronger than a thousand truths. J.R.R. Tolkien

Kendi düşünü yaşamayacaksan, cesaret bu hayatın neresinde? Kendi düşünü yaşa! Kendi düşünle yaşa! Düşlerinle bin yaşa! Tayfun Topaloğlu

If you don't follow your dreams, you are no better than a vegetable. Legendary Man – The World's Fastest Indian


Those who dream big do not realize their dreams, they exceed them. Alfred Lord Whitehead

The moment you lose your dreams, your life is over. Mark Twain

Nothing is as free as the human imagination. David Hume

There is one thing that my experience has taught me: People who follow their dreams with firm steps and make an effort to live the life they desire meet with success unexpectedly. Henry D Thoreau

What a divine gift imagination is. Goethe

Don't give up on your passions and dreams. If you give up, your life will come to an end, even though your body exists in this world. Henry David Thoreau

Hayal gücü olmayan insanın kanatları yoktur. Muhammad Ali


If one person did not dream about it, if another person did not believe it could be done, and if someone else did not want it done, nothing worthy of the heavens could be done. Charles F Kettering

The dream you dream alone is just a dream; The dream you dream together is the reality itself. John Lennon

Build a dream, and then that dream will build you. Robert Schuller

Dünyanın gördüğü her büyük başarı, önce bir hayaldi. En büyük çınar bir tohumdu, en büyük kuş bir yumurtada gizliydi. Edgar Allan Poe

What human beings can do is limited to what they imagine. Arthur Clarke

Some see life as an empty dream; because they don't put anything in it. Pat Mesiti

Strive while others sleep; work while others are slacking; get ready while others are having fun; and while others make wishes, you dream.  William Arthur Ward

You don't have to be normal. Go out and make your dreams come true.  Forrest Gump

You try to fill your head with big dreams. Your mind will fill your pockets with money later. Benjamin Franklin

İçindeki düşü uyandır, düşlere uyan. Çünkü düş gerçekleşmek ister.

Wherever you are dreaming, there you belong. Tayfun Topaloğlu

Her nereyi düşlüyorsan, oraya aitsin

Düşler ve Hayallere Dair En Yeni Özlü Sözler

The Art of Dreaming

Quotations on Goals and Purposes

Quotes on Believing


Düşler ve hayallere dair özlü sözler, düş ve hayalle ilgili özdeyişler, hayal gücü sözleri, umut ve hayal sözleri, Mevlana’nın hayal ile ilgili sözleri, kişisel gelişim hayal, başarı motivasyon sözleri, düşlerle ilgili özlü sözler, filozofların hayal ile ilgili sözleri, hayal anlamlı sözler, kısa düşlemek sözleri, hayal gücüyle ilgili yazılar, sevgiliye hayal sözleri uzun güzel hayaller, hayalleri gerçekleştirmek ile ilgili sözler…

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