Motivation in Corona Days (Part 2)

Corona Günlerinde Motivasyon.. Corona günleriyle ilgili bu ikinci video eğitimde, güçlü bir motivasyon için neler yapabileceğimizi konuşacağız

Corona Günlerinde Motivasyon.. Corona günleriyle ilgili bu ikinci video eğitimde, güçlü bir motivasyon için neler yapabileceğimizi konuşacağız

Motivation in Corona Days (Part 2)

Merhabalar, Corona salgınının tüm hızıyla devam ettiği bu günlerde, kendimizi güçlü tutmak adına yapabileceğimiz önemli şeyler var. Corona günleriyle ilgili bu ikinci video eğitimimde, güçlü bir motivasyon için neler yapabileceğimizi konuşmaya devam edeceğiz.

We see that this rapidly spreading virus epidemic has become a major social and economic problem all over the world. This process continues to create an atmosphere of uncertainty for everyone. It is a chaotic period not only for us, but also for other societies around the world. First of all, we should accept this situation and start thinking constructively about what we can do for the future. I hope that one day when these problems are fixed, the world will be a better place than before. At least for most of us.


Motivation in Corona Days

My advice to those who continue their lives in a healthy way is to turn every day into a small celebration. Live knowing the value of every day you spend healthy. Of course, it is necessary to continue to be cautious. We should not forget that we are responsible to all people and we should not forget that this virus is a dangerous disease.

However, if you have intense fear and anxiety inside, you may be facing a more dangerous problem than Corona. I'm talking about thought viruses. This type of virus, fed by our fears and worries, is easily transmitted from person to person and destroys all positive emotions in us. What makes it so dangerous comes from the power of thought itself. The symptoms of this virus are to experience intense stress and anxiety about the future, to talk about fears and worries every minute and every second.

Ways to Cope with Anxiety and Worries / Optimistic Thinking Techniques

The most important thing you can do during this period is to keep your mood positive. I know it's not easy, but unless you keep yourself strong, you won't be helping other people either. Moreover, being in a pessimistic and pessimistic mood will weaken the immune system and make you vulnerable to diseases.

One of the most important things that keeps your immune system strong is getting quality sleep. For this, it is important to keep your mind away from anxiety and worries. Don't watch, read or talk about negative things before going to bed. Let the last thing you think about before going to sleep be something that gives you peace of mind. Thus, you will not only keep your hands clean, but also your soul.

Ways to Keep the Immune System Strong

İyi Hissetmeye Zaman Ayırın

Sürekli karamsar ve negatif duygular içindeyken, bağışıklık sistemimiz gitgide zayıflayacaktır. Öncelikle böyle günler için, size keyif veren aktivitelere özel zaman ayırmanız size iyi gelecektir. “Mutluluk Saati” olarak adlandırdığım bu zamanlarda size moral veren aktivitelerle uğraşabilir, böylece sadece 1 saatte tüm günün olumsuz enerjisini dengeleyebilirsiniz.

In fact, it's all about what we love and how much. The solution to every problem in life comes back to love. Do you really love your job? Maybe you understand better now the value of that job you hated. Maybe you can see this period as an opportunity to do the things of your dreams. If you like your lessons, you will continue to study. If you love to teach, you can continue to teach your students even when schools are closed. When you love, all obstacles and difficulties will become a step towards your goal.

We're all trying to make sense of what happened. Maybe we want our past lives back again. But we know that life is lived forwards, not backwards. We have to be faithful during this time. Our faith will give us all the strength we need. As I always say:

If you can't survive, try to survive. To be able to stand up again one day.

In this process, try to prepare yourself for the worst-case scenario. Being prepared will make you feel stronger. Years ago, when I was watching the National Geographic series Waiting for the Apocalypse, I thought the people involved in this show were really crazy. The program was about people who spent their lives preparing for various disaster scenarios. But years after this program, I realize that these people weren't exactly wrong.

Günü Planlayın

The most important thing you can do to deal with uncertainty during this time is to plan your day. Be sure to try to program how you will spend every hour of every day. Set yourself daily goals and practice them. For those of us who are at home all day, the real problem is physical energy that stays dormant. Make sure to stay in motion. There are many things you can do even when you are at home; doing sit-ups, doing pilates, cleaning the house. Even you will be surprised how productively you spent that day.

Try to direct your mental energies towards things within your control. One of the most important ways to feel empowered is to focus on what is in your control: what you can do. You cannot control anything but your own thoughts and actions. What can you do to keep yourself strong during this process? That's where you put all your energy into it.

Bir durumu nasıl tanımladığınız, o durumun kendisinden daha önemlidir.

How you define a situation is more important than the situation itself. How would you describe these events you have experienced, is it a disaster or an opportunity? Maybe when you can't do the ordinary things you do every day, you start to see them as more valuable. Perhaps you have realized how precious your health is. How do these events make you feel? How would you like to write about these experiences? It would be good for you to write them down.

Zorluklar Gelişim Fırsatlarıdır

People who have gone through tough times come out of here even stronger. There is a reason for this. Challenges develop people and make them stronger. Forget about all the help that will come from outside during this period. Hold your own hand. In fact, all expectations of help send the message that you are weak to yourself and the world. Focus on what you can do on your own. You will feel that you are in control of your life.

Where is your focus right now? Are you focused on problems or solutions? For those who see the glass half full, I have good news: The future will be full of great opportunities for them. What do you gain from these problems and this difficult period you are going through, and what can you gain in the future? How can you turn this situation into a learning opportunity? What can you do differently next? While some of us lament what happened to them, others are already on their way!

10 Effective Ways to Cope With Problems

Attention! This is investment advice. How about investing in something valuable? I'm not talking about gold or dollars. I know of a more important investment tool than these: yourself. Yes yourself! This period offers a great opportunity to spend time on your development. Watch movies, read books, attend online training and develop new skills. If you don't fill this void, others will be happy to fill it, rest assured. For example, if you haven't watched the movie "After the Dark", which is the kind of movie you can watch these days, I suggest you open it and watch it right away.

After the Dark – After the Dark

Üretmeye Odaklanın

Try doing things you haven't done before. Remember your hobbies that you couldn't do because you couldn't find the time. Read the books that you postponed because you didn't have time until now, and even write that book you couldn't find a chance to write. It will be good for you to find new and enjoyable ways to express yourself during this period. Maybe you can think about getting rid of the consumption culture and focusing on production. Do you remember how fun it was to produce something?

Try to keep news coverage as limited as possible, especially during this period. You don't have to follow what's going on every minute of every day. One of the ways to keep your mind positive is to control your desire to hear. Channel your curiosity into positive things. If you still want to follow the agenda, my advice to you would be to follow the written media more on the internet.

Buraya kadar anlattıklarımızı özetlersek…

Zihninizi korku ve endişeyle dolduran düşünce virüsünün farkında olun ve kendinizi ondan kurtarın. Güçlü bir bağışıklık için, sadece ellerinizi değil, ruhunuzu da temiz tutmayı ihmal etmeyin. Sevginin gücüne inanın, sevdiğiniz zaman tüm zorluklar size güç verecektir. Bir durumu nasıl tanımladığınıza dikkat edin, çünkü bu, her şeyden daha önemlidir. Soruna değil, çözümlere ve fırsatlara odaklanın. En değerli yatırım, kendinize yaptığınız yatırımdır, bunu unutmayın. Bu dönemde bir şeyler yaptığınızı, çabaladığınızı hissetmeniz önemlidir. Üretken olun ve yaratıcı enerjinizi harekete geçirin. Dışarıdan gelecek tüm yardımları unutun; kendi kendinizin yardımı olun. Haber takibini en aza indirin. Ve unutmayın, uyumadan önce son düşündüğünüz şey, size huzur veren bir şey olsun. Sevgiyle kalın..


Tayfun Topaloğlu

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Personal Motivation Techniques: Increase Your Motivational Power with 60 Special Techniques


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