“Ignorance is the night of reason; but a moonless and starless night.” Confucius Words of Science and Wisdom, Words of the Day Motivational Coaching with Dr. Tayfun Topaloğlu 👉 Apply “Ignorance is the night of reason; but a moonless and starless night.” Confucius Confucius Quotes ozdeyis.net Quotations on Science and Wisdom “Three great dangers: the callousness of intelligent people. The ineffectiveness of emotional people. Effective people are mindless.” Confucius “Remember, if you go to sleep thinking that something cannot be done, you will wake up to the noise someone else makes while doing it.” Confucius "It doesn't matter how slow you go, as long as you keep going." Confucius İnsanlara Dair Özlü Sözler ve Özdeyişler Proverbs about Education and Training