“If I give you an apple, if you give me an apple, I will have an apple and you will have an apple. If I give you one piece of information, if you give me one piece of information, I will have two pieces of information and you will have two pieces of information.” Confucius

“If I give you an apple, if you give me an apple, I will have an apple and you will have an apple. If I give you one piece of information, if you give me one piece of information, I will have two pieces of information and you will have two pieces of information.” Confucius

Quotations on Science and Wisdom

Eğitim ve Öğretimle İlgili En İyi Özlü Sözler

Personal Development Quotations

En İyi Konfüçyüs Sözleri

Özdeyiş.Net | 🦋 Pozitif Özlü Sözler

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