Change Your Perspective - That Video That Goes Viral on TikTok!
We see what we want to see. We believe what we want to believe. We understand what we want to understand and shape it for ourselves. But when we do this, we limit ourselves to only what we want to believe and understand. So take a step back. And take in what's around you. When we create space for understanding. We will see that there is much more than what our eyes see.
Here is the video that went viral on our TikTok address
@emotivasyon BAKIŞ AÇINI DEĞİŞTİR #bakışaçısı #kişiselgelişimvideoları #algı #algıyönetimi #farkındalık #bireyselgelişim #egitim #kisiselgelisim #kisiselgelisimvefarkindalik ♬ orijinal ses – Motivasyon Adresin
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