Over Motivation: The Motivational Power of Love
When was the last time you loved a person or something so much? Have you ever really loved? Once tasted, it is impossible to forget its taste. Love means to love intensely. And it is one of the most potent motivations in the world. When we are in love, we give everything we have; we push all our limits to the limit. But what if one could harness and tap into that motivational power of his? What, if this power were applied to achieve a certain goal, would change in our lives?
Love, though evoking the image of a romantic interaction between two people, actually has a much broader meaning. In this respect, love is a higher consciousness. There is also the perception that love creates irrational, uncontrollable behavior. But that's not because of love; that's because of people who cannot bear it. For, actually, love is a sort of personality test. It can only reveal what's inside of a person. The better of the good and worse of the bad- that's all!
Actually, it is us, who are the source of love, starting from ourselves, it gets turned to a beloved thing or being. It yearns for wholeness, completing it with that very thing. Thus, Aşık Veysel has said, Beauty is worthless should it weren't for the love in me.
The Motivational Power of Love
It is almost impossible to know this tremendous power of love without living it. It can only be understood by living it. Of course, the emergence of a naturally developing love can be attributed to coincidences. However, if we can correctly understand and model how the process develops, we can increase our motivation to achieve something we want very much. We will discuss how we can do this in a moment.
There are several ways one can realize true love. A person in love is first filled with high energy mentally and physical, He is highly selfless, understanding, and is extremely giving towards his beloved. The person's mind is constantly occupied with his love. The feeling of joy emergent during this process is something that cannot be described by words. During this period, a person experiences the best aspects of his personality and reflects them to the whole world. Such things are very rare in human life.
Only highly conscious people can really feel true love. Because the essence is not in possessing, but in setting free; not in destruction, but in glorification. A person who acts with love dares to try something more. And he has such a belief that he can overcome everything.
Love Belongs to Higher Consciousness
Love can show up as romantic love, love of God, or love of life. Whatever form it takes, love has characteristics that are common across its various forms. One can even be in love with themselves. But we have always been taught that is not right. Why, what is wrong with this? Yet how can one truly be able to love another if one does not first learn to love ones self? Given that throughout history, so many meanings have been given to love, to decide what is right or wrong can be difficult.
This powerful emotion expressed depends, in a general way, on the person's character. While the love of a person of low consciousness tends to be selfish, superficial, and negative, leading one to vices, the love of a person of high consciousness opens the door to goodness and more positive behaviors.
If there are some negative consequences brought about by love, the responsible one is not love, but the character of the person in love shaped by his level of consciousness. Love doesn't actually commit the crimes said to be committed because of it; it's the characters prone to crime that do. Love reveals the character only. A highly conscious individual does not intentionally destroy or harm something he loves dearly; on the contrary, he tries to protect and glorify it.
Passionate lovers of life make every type of sacrifice to add value to life. Because of the Creator, God, those burning with love for God love everything that is created. Those who love a person passionately do everything for his/her good and happiness. Even if he or she does not return their love, they feel infinite gratitude because he/she exists.
Love can be expressed in various ways. A person can fervently love his/her job, his/her belongings, or even his/her cat. The most important thing is whether this love is from high consciousness.
Steps to Activate the Motivational Power of Love
When we understand how love develops, it becomes possible for us to use it in terms of motivation. The motivation of love is one of the great ways to achieve more from ourselves. So, how can we activate this miraculous source of motivation? Let's explain it in a few steps.
First, you need to choose upon what you will channelize this immense feeling towards: it maybe some present life goal, your job, or even a relationship which is fading away. Maybe you have disconnected from life and now want to reconnect to it.
In the second step, start thinking about the thing you have determined in a positive way. Visualize yourself having positive experiences with it, so that there is nothing else in your mind. Bear in mind, one of the things which show love is focused states of minds. Focus especially on its importance and benefit in your life. Be grateful and thankful for it.
Third, let its presence permeate your life. Everywhere you look, there should be something that reminds you of its value. Take advantage of every opportunity that stirs your passion. Let your love gradually gain access to the whole of your life. Feel that you have finally become one with it.
And last but not least, don't forget that love comes from nobody but you. You are the only person to grow this incredible feeling. Feed the source inside. The more the fire of love is burning inside, the more you grow and the greater your dream would be.
Let the magic motivating power of love be with you. Stay with love.