I'm looking for me
Leyla Uluman’ın yeni yazısı “Aradığım Benim” hayata ve arayışlara dair.
“Korkunun, güvenin, inancın, cesaretin ve sevginin sen olduğunu anladığın an, arayışından vazgeçersin.”
His eyes searched for solid words hidden behind faint words.
Their mysteriousness would add charm to them, and when they felt their presence, they would make their absence meaningful. Love was at the center. Courage and self-confidence flew in the gravitational field of love like butterflies flying around. In front of them, fear spread its iron wings and prevented them from reaching love.
There had to be a way to reach love. He considered answering her. If she gave him what was special for him, love would offer itself without bounds.
She put her dream of singing and being the best voice in the world into the hands of fear. He was no longer excited about singing. His unused talent began to diminish day by day.
Love, on the other hand, did not suffer the feelings of loss.
He went to his door again. He had to talk, he heard the frightening voice of fear every time he went.
“You will never make it! You are no longer you…”
There had to be a way to silence that familiar voice. It was not enough for him to give up on his dream, this time he sacrificed the time he devoted to his loved ones. He lived his aimless future and the moments he could not spend with his loved ones.
His offer of love went unanswered.
As time was flowing helplessly, what he had given up became inspiring to his soul to emerge. He asked for help from the trust.
Confidence came with courage.
She would face fear and fight to pave the way, taking back her dreams and her time.
He made eye contact with her.
– Don't you wonder why they helped you?
Help comes to anyone who believes in himself. That's when fear gets out of the way and leaves you to the creativity of love. It is you who will turn fear into love.
You chose to be you again; you had love It was just waiting to be noticed.
The moment you realize that fear, trust, faith, courage and love are you, you give up your search.
It was the sound of love. His white wings melted his iron and set himself free.
Leyla Uluman