“If I were gold, everyone would know my worth. Let me be a simple iron, only those who understand will know my worth.” Shams Tabrizi Words About People “Altın olsam, değerimi herkes bilir. Ben basit bir demir olayım, değerimi sadece anlayan bilsin.” Shams Tabrizi İnsanlara Dair Özlü Sözler ve Özdeyişler “This is life, once you see, everything comes to an end. This is life, the moment you say the last thing, everything comes to life again.” Shams Tabrizi “Don't worry about my order being broken, my life being turned upside down. How do you know that is better than gold over the life?" Shams Tabrizi Özdeyiş.Net | 🦋 Pozitif Özlü Sözler