Step-by-Step Method
Achieving any goal requires a step-by-step method. The person determined to achieve the greatest achievements learns that the steps of progress are taken one by one. A house is built one brick at a time. In football, the championship is won by playing one match at a time. Big stores grow thanks to a new customer each time. Every great success consists of a series of small successes.
Eric Sevareid, a fairly well-known author, wrote in Reader Digest (April 1957) that the best advice in his name was the "next mile" principle.
“When I changed my job and started writing a quarter-million-word book, I couldn't find the strength to think over the whole project. I was almost giving up on my deepest source of pride in my profession. I just tried to think about the next paragraph. Not the next page or chapter. So for six months I did nothing but think about the next paragraph, and the book wrote itself.”
“Many years ago I was writing daily shorts for the radio broadcast. Now the total has passed 2000 pieces. Then of course, if they wanted to sign me to write 2000 pieces, of course, I wouldn't have accepted due to the size of the volume. However, I was asked to write only one. Then another one. And here is the number of what I wrote in the end.”
Bir saat kolaydır; sonsuz ise zor.
Adım-adım metodu bir hedefe ulaşmanın en mantıklı yoludur. Sigarayı bırakmakla ilgili duyduğum ve herkesten çok benim arkadaşlarımın işine yarayan formül benim ‘saat-saat’ diye adlandırdığım metodudur. O mutlak hedefe – alışkanlıktan kurtulmak- bir daha hiç içmemeye ulaşmak için, kişi gelecek bir saat boyunca sigara içmemeye karar verir. Saat bittiğinde kişi bu kararını bir sonraki saat için de uzatır. Daha sonra içme arzusu azaldıkça, bu periyod iki saate, sonra da bir güne uzatılır. Sonunda hedefe ulaşılır. Bu alışkanlıktan bir kerede kurtulmak isteyen kişi psikolojik acıya dayanamadığı için başarılı olamaz. Bir saat kolaydır; sonsuz ise zor.
David J. Schwartz – “The Magic of Thinking Big”
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