Enneagram testiyle enneagram kişilik tipinizi öğrenebilir ve kişisel gelişiminize olumlu bir yön verebilirsiniz. Enneagram, insanın kendisini ve başkalarını anlamasında, kökeni yüzyıllar öncesinin Sufi bilgeliğine dayanan bir kişilik tiplemesi modelidir. Modelin de ötesinde ruhani yönü ağır basan felsefik bir anlayıştır. Enneagram kendimizi ve başkalarını anlamayı, kendimizle ve başkalarıyla daha uyumlu ilişkiler geliştirmeyi sağlamaktadır.
The Enneagram personality scale consists of 10 propositions for 9 personality types. Try to respond quickly and to all statements; Do not think of extreme situations in which the statement may be valid. Explanation of the theory and interpretation of the results are included at the end of the test.
7 thoughts on “Enneagram”
Great ????????
I say without exaggeration, it is very useful, of course, for those who understand..
All results were high. Will there be an action plan according to values?
What does it mean for a person to get a 10 in 4 test groups at once? There are no results below 7 in the others. Does this mean I'm a fraud?
Assistant, and researcher 7.
Is it possible to be an Individualist, Loyal, Challenger, and Reformer at the same time? Others are stuck at 8 but I don't have a nine.
What I don't understand is that I have 5 high personality types. Other types are 7,6 and 5… I didn't do something wrong, did I?
I have read several articles on this subject. With this method, Human Resources units work to get high efficiency by employing whom and where. Here, it is not a question of distinguishing between good and bad, but rather revealing the personal structure and creating the opportunity to work on this structure. Thanks to those who contributed..
This test has described me a lot, but now what?
I didn't like this test very much, it's not a measurer but it showed me who I am not